Office Politics Cost My Brother His New Job

Atharva khandelwal
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2024
Source : FreePik

When you start a job after college, you may not immediately notice the difference between the environment at college and the office, but there is a difference. This is the real-life story of my brother and the lessons that I learned from it.

My older brother, 24, recently started his first job, but this is how he lost it after just four months.

First of all, He graduated from one of the best colleges in our country. Four Months ago, he applied for his first job. After a 10-day hiring process, he was hired by a startup company.

As a new startup, my brother was interviewed directly by the company’s owner, who oversees the US branch.

After one month, a new boss was hired in his department, whose job was to ensure the department ran smoothly.

For the next two months, everything was fine. But about a month ago, my brother decided to help his college friend get a job at the company. Instead of having his friend apply through the department boss, my brother recommended him directly to the owner.

This bruised the department boss’s ego, as he felt slighted for not being consulted first.

The Boss not only rejected the application of my brother’s friend but began to complain about my brother too. From that day, my. brother’s work was apparently, not good enough and needed to improve.

He started bullying my brother by constantly criticizing his work in front of colleagues and rejecting everything he submitted.

Yesterday, he was called into a meeting with HR, who had received complaints about his performance. They gave him 15 days to improve, but it was an indirect warning that he would likely be fired.

Become Flattery

The thing is, this type of politics is present in every office and every place of life. You cannot just run away by switching jobs or places.

There are two types of people who succeed in corporate jobs. One type is of those who flatters the boss, and constantly tries to please them. These people become the boss’s favorite and are promoted, while everyone else is left behind.

Sometimes these people also misuse their position, ask for favors, and sometimes even ask for sexual favors. They can also get personal chores done by their juniors.

The second type is people who make their boss’s work easier. The more you simplify your boss’s job and fulfill the responsibilities given to you, the more the boss will need you, listen to you, respect you, and eventually promote you.

Because every manager values an employee who makes their job easier.

When such people leave such an office, it can even lead the Manager to depression because the person has been making things easier for the boss. Therefore, try to make your manager’s work easy and fulfill your responsibilities.

Stand Up for Yourself

Some people in the office can bully you, make fun of you, or tease you to demotivate you. If you let it get to you and don’t stand up for yourself, they’ll keep tormenting you.

People with strong personalities always move ahead and stay happy. Don’t be afraid that losing your job will ruin your life. Protecting your respect and dignity is equally important.

If a senior is bothering you, meet them privately and formally tell them that what they are doing is wrong and they should stop. Be clear and direct. If they don’t stop, tell them you will be forced to take action or complain.

The clearer you are, the easier your life will become, and they won’t be able to exploit or harass you.

Don’t talk Sh##

Everyone gets disappointed with their boss at some point. However, talking bad about your boss with colleagues can be dangerous because, in an office, you are a competition to everyone.

Your bad-mouthing can even reach your boss with four times more exaggeration.

Don’t speak negatively about your boss or colleagues, even casually. Keep your conversations light, and don’t give other people weapons to use against you. Always make sure you have a good image because it’s easy for people to create a negative perception of you based on small mistakes.

Don’t Help

When you help your juniors, keep in mind that if they make a mistake, your name will be mentioned first. So, only offer help when you are sure, and don’t feel compelled to help everyone.

Always Remember

Remember, if you get fired, it’s not the end of the world. You will find another job. These are just pressure tactics to make you work harder. Do your best, but don’t stress over targets not being met. You can always improve and work harder next time, but don’t let guilt or fear take over.

Focus on giving your best in your career, improving your skills, and learning more. Avoid office politics, especially in the early years. Don’t treat the office like college; it’s a different life.

Keep a professional attitude, and always believe in your talent and abilities. Even if you lose one job, you’ll find another one. Keep working hard.

Make sure to comment if you have ever been in any such Situation.



Atharva khandelwal

I want to share my Experiences and Views on Various Topics. My interest are PSYCHOLOGY, HISTORY, FINANCE