Pondering Some Truly Unanswerable Questions About Life

Thinking about some questions that I know would never get answered but I want to pose these questions anyway

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2023


Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Create a list of no less than five, no more than ten questions about life that you would really like to have the answers to.
These questions must be unanswerable.
Unseekable truths — what are they? Do they even exist? Is there a way to find out the answer? Are you trying to figure it out? Do you think you will?
I don’t want just a list of questions — why do they matter to you? And do you accept them as unanswerable or do you think there actually IS an answer that hasn’t been found yet?
Get deep. Get creative. Think hard. Because if any comment can answer your question with anything factual (faith and religion are NOT facts — they’re beliefs and therefore any answer from any religion, spirituality, or other belief system is NOT an answer), you have failed. Good luck!

There are many questions that I’m always trying to find the answer to. At this point, I’ve just accepted that there really are some questions that have no answers. If there is an answer, then it is a mystery to humanity. We use faith and beliefs from many different religions to try to close that gap. I know that no one person can have the ultimate truth just from that. That’s why I think I’d be the downer and the one questioning every single thing that the cult leader would even have to say.

Who am I kidding? I wouldn’t even be anywhere close to a cult but I know people who are doing that to themselves right now through social media and television brainwashing but that’s an entire article separate from this one. I just want to think about a list of questions that need answers. I’d love to know the meaning of life. If I actually had the definitive answer to that, I think that I’d find a way to live life better.

Also, I want to know where time begins and ends so that I can figure out where the midpoint is or was. There are definitely scientific theories that explain when the universe may have been created. I’m also sure that time started well before that too. Is there even a finite cap on when time actually started? That would definitely pose some interesting questions about how things were created and such.

Then I think about a question about something that is unknown to this point. Are there other beings in the universe like us or just any more intelligent life out there at all? There are plenty of people who claim to know that this is true for a fact. Their evidence is very shoddy at times and is hard to verify. I’m not saying I don’t completely believe them but I also question their claims heavily.

Another question I want to know is why good people have to endure painful times in life. I understand that some people say that there is no such thing as good and bad people and that good is relative but I’m just talking in general. These people seem to have no reason to have anything bad happen to them since they don’t engage in any bad activity or bad behavior.

I want to know why they have to go through hard times. I’ve been through some really rough times myself and it’s hard to grasp this concept. I just roll with the punches but it’s still confounding.

The fifth and final question that I want to ponder is “Are we certain that we actually exist in the real world or could we all just be part of a large simulation?”. This one is definitely existential but I’d like to get some support to support the theory one way or another. This one might just be me overthinking things but I want to know if the Matrix actually exists.

I watched those movies and felt like there were some deep philosophical questions posed. I would definitely take the red pill to find out what was hidden behind that digital curtain. Could I possibly be Neo in this scenario?

No, probably not. I’m just a disabled, humble writer. This does raise some seriously unanswerable questions and exploration. If you have any of the answers to my questions at this point, feel free to leave a comment with an answer or at least an attempt at an answer. I’d love to see what you think.

Challenge Community Group: Autistic Widower (“AJ”), Brett Jenae Tomlin, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles, Trisha Faye, Karen Schwartz, NancyO, Katie Michaelson, Bernie Pullen, Michelle Jimerson Morris, Amy Frances, Julia A. Keirns, Pamela Oglesby, Harry Hogg, Tina, Pat Romito LaPointe, Brandon Ellrich, Misty Rae, Karen Hoffman, Susie Winfield, Vincent Pisano, Marlene Samuels, Ray Day, Randy Pulley, Lu Skerdoo, Pluto Wolnosci, Paula Shablo, Bruce Coulter, Ellen Baker, Leigh-Anne Dennison, Jennifer Marla Pike, Carmen Ballesteros, Patricia Timmermans, Jerry Dwyer, Teisha LeShea, and Ruby Noir



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.