Portray Ourselves in the Frame of Lies

Inner Self-Awareness and External Self-Awareness

5 min readOct 13, 2022


In the world we are living in, external self-awareness plays a significant role in influencing inner self-awareness. It’s we who decide in which way we do have the meaning of external self-awareness. Either we take it optimistically while we grab it as an opportunity to become better and improve our inner self-awareness or pessimistically to torment ourselves to become one who we aren’t in reality.

Photo by Tim Goedhart on Unsplash

Firstly, what exactly are these terms? Inner self-awareness represents how we perceive our passions, values, ambitions, weaknesses, strengths, behaviors, feelings, thoughts, and fit with our surroundings. While external self-awareness signifies how society sees us in terms of the factors listed above.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

And nowadays, we are more concerned with how people think of us rather than how we are in real. So, we are continuously struggling to shape ourselves into a fake ideal personality that others want us to be. We have become disloyal to ourselves in making others happy.

Every person sees us differently, they have their stance to perceive our personality traits and make a judgment about us. And we are trying to portray ourselves in a frame of lies, so that, they set a positive perception about us. We can’t let people define us by what they see on the surface.

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself — Abraham Maslow

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

So, instead of exhausting ourselves in satisfying others, we should have a watchdog over ourselves first. How we think of ourselves is more important to survive than how others think of us. In this respect, we should be vigilant about our feelings, emotions, behaviors, thoughts, and ambitions.

So, what should be the solution? How can we conquer real inner self-awareness over external self-awareness?

  1. Observe ourselves thoroughly: (whether we’ve featured traits)

Haunting ourselves to make false notions about how others see us rather than practicing seeing ourselves more clearly will result in making ourselves more creative and more confident.

Examine ourselves to know whether we possess traits of humanity to know not only the strengths we have but also aware of our weaknesses. Do we have the virtues of forgiveness? It implies we forgive a person who did wrong to us despite others wanting us not to do it. Do we own the characteristics of emotional mastery involving not only being familiar with our emotions but also knowing the strategy to control them? Finally, we have to observe ourselves to learn whether we have a sense of clarity to see a bigger picture of a specific situation, so that, we can use our abilities to solve it. And where we fit in the puzzle of life.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

2. Write Down your Featured Traits (Strengths, Weaknesses)

We usually torment ourselves to earn the standards of others but if we would be sincere with ourselves and have an open eye on our very own selves then we could get success in acquiring inner self-awareness.

Photo by Chela B. on Unsplash

After evaluating if we have the above traits and perceive our emotions, weaknesses, and strengths, the next step is to make a list of these. Set targets to improve these traits and learn how to use them in the dilemmas of life.

3. Meditation

Inner self-awareness needs attention, focus, and time to acquire. But the crucial thing is to be able to live life with a beautiful state of mind. And it requires meditation. Give ourselves time to meditate to focus.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

How to make external self-awareness be an opportunity to improve?

We should consider external self-awareness as an opportunity to get familiar with our own selves. We should not try to become other people’s ideal we should take their opinion and improve ourselves for real, not for the sake of performing an act. For that, we should seek their constructive feedback. We should only consider trusted families, colleagues, friends, and people who are close to us and aware of our nature, thoughts, actions, and response to a specific situation. In other words, we should only consult those people who know us for real and do not want us to invent new things that we don’t acquire.

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

Once we strengthen our inner self-awareness then I’m damn sure we can get the external one in real means. After that, we would not need to pretend something else. We should maintain a balance between both terms if we struggle to attain external self-awareness thwarting inner self-awareness then it would be as if we are nearer the Church, but away from God.

Sparkle your inner beauty it will automatically shine on the external side — iMaryamAhsan

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