Positivity as a Light in the Darkness

Pragmatic use of positivity will lead you out of the dark places



A circular stained glass window in the ceiling with light shining through it, forming a circle of light on the ground.
by macrovector on freepik

The most important thing you can do to make it in this life is to cultivate positivity. Create a mindset focused on the good things in life, even though it openly acknowledges the less-than-great stuff. Fill the mind with what is wholesome.

The opposite is a mind filled with negative beliefs about the self and the world. Beliefs about how you are not capable of doing the things you want to be doing, or perhaps the belief you are not worthy of going after the things you want. Such a mind is filled with alarmist scenarios about the world and everything that could go wrong.

A life that seeks no opportunity results from such a mind. Even the opportunities that show up by themselves are left unused because a cynical mind is reluctant to take risks. It’s the kind of mindset that eventually leads to bitterness, depression, and isolation.

Such an overwhelmingly negative view of life will result in a crisis; a problem in your life your mind simply can’t handle. It doesn’t have the resilience, self-belief, and motivation to carry the day. The unhelpful mindset also creates an uncomfortable inner life filled with anger, sadness, anxiety, and unease — a hostile work environment.




I'm an engineer by trade and a writer at heart. This is where I write about everything I learn on my journey to a better life.