Postcards In The Time of Covid-19

Rediscovering ways to rekindle friendships while the world is on lock down

Carrie McClain


Photo by José on Unsplash

Truly snail mail has never gone out of style, it has been more reserved for junk mail and our bills, bank statements and sometimes invitations for big events like weddings or graduations — at least for those of us who haven’t switched most of that to more paperless, digital means.

Still, ranging from uncommon to rare, receiving any physically written on and sent mail from our loved ones is generally reserved for a birthday card from grandma. Or that one eccentric and or estranged Auntie or Uncle that you’re pretty sure is a spy and or holding on to a grand inheritance to possibly pass on to you. Since COVID-19 shut the world down, folks everywhere have been constantly defining and redefining how they communicate and how they spend their time — shut in, mostly.

Yes, there have been big upticks for streaming apps and folks online gaming but folks the world over have been doing more of those “analog” activities: putting together physical puzzles, playing board games with the family and reading through those piles of unread books on our night stands and the like. I happen to be cleaning and organizing one day (Kondo Method or bust!) and found my treasure trove of postcards and other paper goods and thought to start…



Carrie McClain

⭐️ Writer, Editor & Media Scholar with an affinity for red lipstick living in California. Writes about literature, art, cinema! ⭐️