A Case Study Solution — Data Analyst Interview Elimination Round -1.

Data Analysis Project — Power Plants Globally

Kamireddy Mahendra


“Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, It can only transformed from one form of energy to another form of energy”
— Law of Conservation of Energy Principle

“I wish we could understand this principle and ensure that strictly following the above principle in our life, will lead us to succeed in our life”.

Here I am doing the project of power Plants global data analysis to do ad-hoc analysis and find solutions for different Problems.

These are the steps I followed to do the data analysis.

  1. Gathered data from one of the open-source data Platforms i.e. Kaggle.
    Click Here to get the data set.

2. Analysed the data and Started Cleaning the data by removing the unnecessary columns and changing the column names as those will
gives more meaningful conventions for data analysis using Excel.

3. Assume you were a stakeholder and ask yourself as many questions to improve the plant outcomes and power utilization and efficiencies and many…



Kamireddy Mahendra

A Data Engineer & Data Analyst, Content Writer, Mentor & Freelancer => Projects & Tutor (1-on-1 Training) & Work Support for Data Analysts / Data Engineers.