American Elections

Power to the People

I almost gave up on America, until…

Vic Alcuaz
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2020


Photo courtesy of KSAT.Com

In 15 days, America will be able to finally confirm to the entire world that their 4-year old nightmare is finally over!

So much has already been said, on both sides of the aisle, about America’s experiment that has gone horribly wrong.

For someone who is not American and who lives thousands of miles away, this American experiment is affecting me more than the equally depressing local politics in my own country.

Why the heck am I so involved in your elections — tweeting perhaps just a little less than your lunatic president?

America is the supposed greatest nation on earth.

America is the supposed land of milk and honey.

America is supposed to be the defender of the free world.

America is supposed to be the ally of many nations, powerful or not.

America is where the supposed democratic systems of checks and balances in government work efficiently.

What has Trump done to all of these?

When our dictator and corrupt president for 21 years, Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by Filipinos in a peaceful ‘People Power’ revolt in 1986, America…



Vic Alcuaz

Manila based Filipino/Spanish Author, Cafe owner, Hotel Consultant. A Catholic. Cat Lover. Editor of