Practical Lessons On Receiving Feedback Well

Helpful guidelines to get the most out of praise and criticism.

Tarun Kohli


A person receiving feedback, illustration done by Quovantis

There are two types of professionals in the world: those who receive feedback well and those who fall behind.

And I’m here to talk about ‘those who fall behind’.

“Snuggling with the feedback, analyzing the feedback, and then embracing the feedback is the highest-leverage skill to upgrade the firmware of your mind. “

Not that you aren’t enough as-is but if you truly want to experience the beauty of growth in life, then you should seek it like love.

It’s then not a surprise that we consider feedback a gift. A gift that gives you all the cheat codes for success.

But, unlike the gifts that come wrapped in glossy papers, this one can be delivered in different ways.

Sometimes wrapped in genuine concern, and other times cloaked in pointless criticism.

Sometimes at the Goldilocks time, just when you need it, and other times delayed by months like India’s monsoon.

Sometimes as a reminder that someone cares for you, other times making you feel like a neglected child.



Tarun Kohli

Founder & CEO of, an avid book reader and a student for life.