
Practical Tips and Tricks That Will Help New Writers

Things I didn’t know as a novice on Medium

Caroline de Braganza
Published in
6 min readNov 16, 2020


Left-handed like me! (Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)

I published my first story on this platform in April 2018. But there’s more to it than just publishing a well-written article.

I learned how to format — bold, italics, titles, sub-titles — create bullet and numbered lists, use single-line spacing for poetry and add five tags. For the initial few months, I referred to my notes until the knowledge remained embedded in my brain’s memory!

(The Help Section on Medium presents simple instructions on what to do. I found writing them in a notebook was a time-saving way to reference the information until it became second nature.)

Despite mastering the basics, I knew little on creating a quality title, the rules of capitalization, the best source for royalty-free images and which editing software might work best for me.

Against a backdrop of millions of writers and bloggers, you have five seconds to arouse a reader’s curiosity to read further than the heading.

The image plays an important role too and must relate to your topic.

Finally, if your content has multiple grammar and spelling errors, the reader will leave and never return.



Caroline de Braganza

Wise Older Woman (WOW). Poetry, essays, humor. Passion for mental health, social justice, politics, diverse cultures, the world and environment.