Prayer Could Be Hurting Your Life In More Ways Than One

You’ll find that God may not have any interest in what you say

Alex Ghaznawi


Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels

Prayer is a significant and universal aspect of any religion. It gives believers hope that the Almighty is listening to their every word and request.

“Ask, and you shall receive” is something you may often hear from those who wholeheartedly believe in the power of prayer. However, this idea works on the assumption that God is similar to a vending machine: You put in faith in the form of prayer, make your request, and God intervenes so the world goes your way.

This gives rise to a dangerous mindset that you can get everything you want if you just pray hard enough. With it, you start to grasp a false sense of reality that centers around the idea that God will open doors, create opportunities, and positively impact your future without any action required from you.

As humans, we typically want to pursue the path of least resistance. In this case, prayer becomes a substitute for our inaction as it’s much easier to say a quick prayer on the off chance that it might work than it would be to roll up your sleeves and take action.

This can create a toxic environment that can consume your dreams, goals, and aspirations as you continually wait for the…



Alex Ghaznawi

Attempting to solve the who, what, when, how of the universe. Contact: