Personal Development | Inspiration

Predict Your Future

Living the dream

Bill Abbate
Published in
7 min readJul 22, 2024


Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Are you living the life of your dreams? Do you realize it is well within reach? I predict you will know how to obtain it by the end of this article. How can I be so sure? Read on and learn how anyone with the desire can create and predict the future they want!

Living your dream

I will admit it. I am living the life I dreamed of when I was younger. I say this not to boast but as a statement of reality. Jane, my wife, and I worked hard for decades, enduring many trials, numerous successes and failures, severe tribulations, and a healthy dose of blessings from God. As Victor Hugo once said, “There is nothing like a dream to create the future.”

I hope you will avoid some of the hardships we faced. But as a fellow human living on this earth, you know what to expect, don’t you? Jane and I are ordinary people with typical experiences. We received no inheritance and won no lotteries, yet we have arrived at a point of loving our lives.

Some might think we have a fantastic life, while others may look down on us. What makes one person happy does not make everyone else so. To each his own, as the old saying goes.



Bill Abbate

Leadership Writer and Editor in ILLUMINATION, Leadership/Executive Coach, Author