Prejudiced? Me?

I’m not going to call it that, but…



Photo by Alex Jackman on Unsplash

Soon after we ended our summer a kind of malaise settled over me. I noticed I was feeling a bit uncomfortable and bored with the things I planned to do and the people I planned to do them with. It’s embarrassing. I can feel a trace of self-doubt, but not that strong.

We left the Cape, the beach, and the summer behind. We returned to our very comfortable home in our very comfortable neighborhood. Soon we were greeted by some neighbors, mostly older people. Some are ten years older than I am. They are all interesting, and have led interesting lives, and are fun to talk to.

I also began to get in touch with the folks who are involved in the “Life-Long Learning” collaborative where I am a member. This is a group of a few hundred people that has all kinds of activities, discussions, some formal classes, and some trips that we take together. Most of our meetings are now on Zoom, but some are in-person, even though with COVID coming we are not sure how successful that will be. These people also are well-educated, well-read, and thoughtful. Some are also fascinating and funny.

After a few days of this I realized that while I wasn’t depressed about being home, I certainly wasn’t excited. I felt kind of blah and old.




I have been mumbling almost incoherently in response to life's problems for a long, long time. Contact me at