The Press Pulls a Tom Brady on Punxsutawney Phil

Rumors of his death were “misinformation!”

Don Martin, real-life writer


Photo by Jack Bulmer on Unsplash

Phil, sometimes known as “the King of Misinformation,” has apparently lived to make at least one more weather prediction.

Photo-op for a few, and party-op for hundreds, this yearly phenomenon has little to do with the reality of the terrible winter we have been experiencing this year.

Six more weeks of winter is the prediction.

Six more weeks to come up with excuses not to write daily. Not to practice bringing our characters to life with dialog and descriptions. Not to reinforce our written arguments with sound research. Not to complete our sentences.

Operating on the theory, “if you can’t be fair, be arbitrary,” we can still wait six more weeks before it’s time to start making excuses not to work in the yard.

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