Prison of Life

Soul in body, life’s love prison.

Areeba Khalid
Oct 18, 2023


Photo by Racool_studiofreepik

In the prison of life, we’re bound to stay,
Soul locked within, day by day.
But there’s a choice, a path to choose,
To live in love, not hatred’s ruse.

As long as this soul is locked in this body,
We are locked in some kind of prison, so oddly.
Freedom, they say, may bring its own death,
Yet, in love’s embrace, we find life’s sweet breath.

In the prison of life, where we’re meant to be,
Let’s choose Love’s Bars, kind and free.
For within its walls, there’s beauty to find,
A world of compassion, in our hearts, entwined.

In love’s gentle cell, we’ll learn to forgive,
In each other’s eyes, we’ll truly live.
So, if it’s a prison, this life we’re part of,
Let’s build it with love, boundless and tough.



Areeba Khalid

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