Problem Is The Solution

Conscious Contributor
Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2021

Dig deeper into the problem to unlock it

Photo from Vision Synergy

A problem well-defined is a problem half solved.

Albert Einstein once said, “If I only had an hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem and only 5 minutes solving it”.

Very often the way the problem starts is the only way it could end and there is no other solution to it, in short, the problem itself flags off the way for a solution. Digging deeper into the problem throws light on how to fix it.

The solution to a problem lies in the problem itself, the cure to disease is in the disease itself, and the answer to a question is in the question itself. For example, when the body is unable to digest a particular fruit after eating a piece of watermelon, an uneasy feeling is experienced, right then chewing five or six watermelon seeds cures the discomfort.

Not to say for the least, this fact is so much true in other areas and in our routine lives as well.


The human mind gets biased with certain misunderstandings and overwriting them with something new implies a challenge to the stubborn mindset. The fear captured by the mind starts creating havoc in life, paralyzing personality and relationships. Facing the same fear with new dimensions in a safe zone is important to get rid of it. Behavioral therapies often work with this approach.

Homeopathy works on the theory of treating ‘like with like’. It claims to stimulate healing responses to diseases by administering substances that mimic the symptoms of those diseases in healthy people.


In gene therapy that is used to modify cells outside the body, blood, bone marrow, or another tissue can be taken from a patient, and specific types of cells can be separated out in the lab. The vector containing the desired gene is introduced into these cells. The cells multiplied in the laboratory are injected back into the patient, where they continue to multiply and eventually produce the desired effect.

For a vaccine to work the healthy body is injected with the same but dead virus that started the disease.

Social Media

A sad side effect of the modern Social media world, which I am sure directly or indirectly everyone has seen or experienced once in their lives.

A man has a crush on a married woman, he just wants to create problems in her life and get her while she doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on in his mind. He keeps stalking her on social media accounts to know more about her. Lady had the habit of posting her single photographs, which makes the man thinks that perhaps she isn’t happy in her marriage. He only saw what he wanted to see and not the way they were in real, so the chase trial continued. The woman realizes sometime later that the man is interested in her but wonders from where is he getting the hints of her possible interest in him as well. Finally, she understands it is due to her social media happenings. She decides to post only family photos and thus slowly the chase trial begins to end.

The problem started through Social Media and hence was the hidden solution in it.


Problems come only to refine us, change us to a better version of ourselves, so looking within us to solve it makes sense spiritually.

A few years back, I had dislocated my right shoulder bone. This was I remember the fourth dislocation. Not only was it painful, but I felt depressed and anxious to manage the household work with the injured hand. I told my maid to help me with some work. Early morning tasks were still to be managed by myself, so I started using my left hand. Initially, it was very difficult but soon I felt empowered, and I was no longer simply counting days left for the removal of shoulder support.

I had dislocated my shoulder bone but this problem made me LOCATE the power of using the other hand, much like Lucia Capacchione describes in her book, ‘The Power Of Your Other Hand’. This helped me not only improve my willpower and self-control but calmed down my anxiety levels significantly.

I was looking for God outside to help me solve a problem, to help me get rid of the pain. Only when I decided to look inside could I realize he has always been there in my conscience as rightly said, the ‘Solutions you seek are within YOU’.



Conscious Contributor

Former software professional turned health, spiritual, and mindfulness enthusiast on the fold of events. Writing for peace.