Proof of God (9): The Meticulous Orbital Arrangement in the Solar System

Rational Belief
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2023


We have launched numerous satellites into space, including the moon, other planets, and even two into interstellar space: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Through these missions, we have acquired extensive knowledge about the complex processes involved in placing a satellite into orbit around celestial bodies.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Deliberate Placement of Artificial Satellites

Sending a satellite into space demands a wealth of expertise across various fields, precise calculations, and meticulous satellite design, among other factors. Therefore, when we observe a single artificial satellite flawlessly positioned in its orbit, we can confidently conclude that it is not and it cannot be a result of chance from random events but rather the deliberate work of intelligent beings. This conclusion stems from our understanding of the requirements for achieving orbital placement rather than from a lack of knowledge about the process itself.

The Interlocking Orbits of the Solar System

Within our Solar System, there are eight known planets, five known dwarf planets, hundreds of satellites around these celestial bodies, millions of asteroids in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, and trillions of comets in the Kuiper Belt perfectly placed in different orbits around a colossal, densely gaseous object at the center — the Sun — where highly catastrophic nuclear reactions are taking place in its core for billions of years. Additionally, enveloping the Solar System, there exists a vast shell of cloud known as the Oort Cloud, containing billions, or even trillions, of objects.

Image by WikiImages from Pixabay

The precise orbital placement of a single artificial satellite around a celestial body is a clear evidence that it is an intentional work of intelligent beings, which cannot be given to blind chance and coincidence through random events. Similarly, the precise orbital arrangement of each of the trillions of objects around the Sun serves as irrefutable evidence that it is the result of intentional actions by an Intelligent Entity possessing immense knowledge, wisdom, and power. The fact that this complex system of interlocked orbits, the Solar System, is just a single star system among hundreds of billions of other star systems and black holes orbiting the center of the Milky Way galaxy should clear any bits of doubts left behind in the head of the most skeptical individuals who are not biased and are honestly looking for the truth.

A Challenge to Skeptics

To those who still try to hide their biases with a transparent cover of skepticism, I pose a challenge. Attempt to convince anyone with even a basic understanding of satellite deployment or astrophysics that an artificial satellite can be placed into orbit without the need for knowledge, design, calculations, power, and intention. In fact, it is impossible even to persuade yourself to accept such an absurd and superstitious notion. If this is the case for you, then who has misled you to believe that a system as intricate as the Solar System, with its complex interlocking orbits, or even more intricate systems like constellations and galaxies, could have formed without precise, intelligent design and careful planning and execution?


This elaborate and interdependent system, where various components seamlessly cooperate, serves as compelling evidence for the existence of an Intelligent and Intentional Designer who possesses boundless knowledge, wisdom, and power. This Being, which we refer to as God, orchestrates the grandeur and complexity of the universe. This logical deduction should be apparent to anyone willing to set aside preconceived biases and approach the subject objectively.

It should be noted that this argument considers only the placement of the celestial bodies in their orbits. The unique characteristics and the roles that each of these cosmic objects plays in the functioning and balance of the Solar System are another awe-inspiring and undeniable evidence for the existence of God. But that is a topic for another article.

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Rational Belief

Muslim, interested in Religion, Philosophy, Science and Engineering.