Photo by Mat Brown from Pexels

Proper Procrastination Performance

Philip Mann


How Parkinson’s Law Gives Us a Tool to Make Progress Through Productive Postponement

I have discovered a great efficiency strategy! When used properly, it can be a leadership miracle that brings nearly all work in on schedule. Used poorly, it will squash an inattentive practitioner like a bug caught in a printing press. This strategy is so powerful, so magnificent — so huge — that it can multiply productivity, slash resource waste, and will even let you eat your lunch — at lunchtime!

Get ready to be infused with the secrets of efficiency! Trust me. I am the expert. I am a professional procrastinator.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

“Eventually” Happens All of the Time!

Yes, it’s true. I delay and put off all kinds of tasks and projects all of the time. In fact, I am so very deep into procrastination that I very rarely even begin a project before I catch the deadline trying to sneak by me. To the casual observer, it may even appear that I simply do things when I decide to do them and that everything waits until the undetermined: “Eventually.”

I am not lazy. I am certainly not taking an easy way out of doing work, and I am…



Philip Mann

Assistant Professor of Organization & Management 🔹 I help folks understand their decisions, values, and world. 🔹 Writing to restore clarity and nuance.