God The Most High

A psalm

Othniel Lagablab


Photo by Holger Link on Unsplash

I will sing of His Praise forevermore.
I will say of the Lord, He is my rampart and my shield.
I will forever be anchored in His Glory.

Let His creatures sing!
Of His mighty works they sing,
of His wondrous joy they sing,
of His faithfulness, they sing.

For Glory, Glory, Glory to His Name!
His Name is to be feared in all the nations,
His Name is to be feared in all the earth.
For this Name is the Name that is above every power.
Praise YAH!

-Anchored in His Glory Series 1 of 3



Othniel Lagablab

Filipino | Poet | Scrum Master — To impart good character, creativity, and wisdom to help people increase in value so they can add value to others in return.