God The Faithful One

A psalm

Othniel Lagablab


Yeshua, my Deliverer,
Yeshua, my Redeemer,
Yeshua whose Name is sweet —
sweeter than a honeycomb.

He will not always forget.
He will remember His people.
In their unfaithfulness, He remains faithful.
He will not contradict Himself.

May God live forevermore!
His kings, His servants, His prophets and His priests shall say of Him:
“Come to us and restore us,
revive us again that we may see
the wonders of Your Glory!

We desire to see,
we desire to see,
Your Name lifted up
and we, anchored in Your Glory.”

-Anchored in His Glory Series 2 of 3



Othniel Lagablab

Filipino | Poet | Scrum Master — To impart good character, creativity, and wisdom to help people increase in value so they can add value to others in return.