Put Your Blinders on and do the Work

If it’s a grind, so be it

David Andrew Wiebe


Put Your Blinders on and do the Work
Photo by Miloš Trajković on Unsplash

In a world obsessed with stats and results, it’s easy to get caught up in the wrong thing.

Though it’s worthwhile to evaluate results periodically, a fixation on outcomes can be unhealthy, and even detrimental to your progress as a creative or creator. Because process is the part you can control, outcomes are not.

Filters are crucial to your survival. Without them, you will take on too much, burn out, and get caught up in an unhealthy game of comparison that steals your happiness.

We need to be able to put our blinders on, even if it’s only for a short duration, to focus long enough on the process that we see desired results flow in.

Every “Overnight Success” Was 10 Years in the Making

I find it easy to fixate on the results, even unprompted. Even when there’s virtually no reason to.

I needlessly check in on my Medium stats, even on days where I know I’m not going to get any love…

Even on days when my posts probably won’t be accepted into a publication, and despite the 700 some odd followers I have, all I can expect are a couple of claps on my stories…



David Andrew Wiebe

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.