Putting All Your Eggs In One Basket

The power in having a side hustle



Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Wasn’t this what our parents warned us? — The danger of hoping too much for that one thing and having no Plan B.

Sounds wise. After all, with age, you realize the prudence in hedging your bets, not having your heart broken by dreams that don’t transpire.

And didn’t parents generally tell you to go to college, get that corporate job, with benefits, and climb that proverbial ladder?

Of course, the irony of this is that by fulfilling their wishes, you end up putting your eggs in that single basket — the corporate job. You didn’t see it that way at the time, of course. You assumed you’d lucked out, were in the big-time, with job security and a promising career path.

This is fine when you’re young and can jump from job to job if you’re fortunate, but as you get into your forties and beyond and haven’t made it to the C Suite, age becomes an issue. When I say age, I also mean that relatively high salary, benefits and overall cost—compared to a youngster straight out of college.

As you spend these decades in corporate culture, you tend to lose any sense of entrepreneurship. After all, you didn’t have to worry about earning your keep; you just had to do a good job with your particularly trained skills.




Compassionate champion of the human condition and its potential. In awe of this experiment called Life. Writes about emotions, acceptance, empathy, action.