QR Code Fraud

Read IMMEDIATELY for important information

Stella Martann


Illustration of Smartphone scanning a QR code with word QR Fraud
pixabay image modified by author Stella Martann

Fraud is rising, and the latest danger comes in the form of QR Codes.

Cyber-criminals are taking advantage of this technology by directing fake QR codes to counterfeit sites to embed malware or gain access to your phone to steal your personal and financial information.

I just received the following article on “QR Code fraud” from my banking institution Malaga Bank. Please read the article for tips on protecting yourself from QR code scams.

“What is a Quick Response code? They are square bar codes, also known as QR codes, and appear everywhere these days. To access a QR code, hover your cell phone’s camera over the bar code, which takes you to a designated site.

One example: Restaurants started using QR codes during the pandemic to replace paper menus to direct patrons to order and pay for the food online, which reduces direct contact with restaurant staff. The FBI says that criminals use fake QR codes to embed malware onto an innocent victim’s phone, giving the scam artist access to the device and potentially any information on it, including financial information.

Pay Attention When Scanning QR Codes:



Stella Martann

Digital nomad, prof organizer, life coach, nutritionist movin’ along the road less traveled. https://stella-martann.medium.com/membership