Qualities of a Great Leader

Top 10 Traits and Values that Differentiate the Best Leaders.

Ann Venkataraman


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

There are a core set of values that sets apart great leaders from mere managers and executives with fancy titles. This article lists those distinguishing traits.

1] Lofty Vision

Great leaders have a compelling vision for the future that persuades others to follow them through thick and thin. This comes from being an excellent storyteller and showing your passion for the idea. People will agree and work on realistic goals, but visionary plans of grandeur? That will get you followers in droves!

For example, JFK’s mission to put a man on the moon in a decade was an impossible deadline, but his vision was so captivating that the whole country (tax payer funding, brilliant scientists) were ready to do anything to bring it to fruition!

2] Success of the Whole Team

Photo by Muyuan Ma on Unsplash

Usually people are placed in leadership positions because they were fantastic at their previous roles as individual contributors and star team players. However, as a leader, your success comes from the success of the…



Ann Venkataraman

Techie, Manager, Blogger & Mom. I write about Leadership, books, productivity, and how to use them to fast-track your career.