Quantum Wisdom and Sufism

Metaphysics in Physics


Hello, this blog is about quantum physics philosophy of life and mysticism. Quantum physics books that have become a tabloid are available everywhere. They interpreted spiritual subjects with a wrong quantum physics, a wrong quantum mechanics.

In this way, people who really know physics look at metaphysics with reservation and scepticism. Personally, I only started with the books written by physicists that build the bridge between them and metaphysics.
These books are neither physics books nor metaphysics books. These are books that build the bridge between physics and metaphysics and that we build on the foundations of common sense and gain confidence for the transition to a metaphysical life. It also purifies us from fear for the transition to metaphysics.

Fresk Duvar Atina Okulu Raffaello — Pixabay’de ücretsiz fotoğraf — Pixabay

Popular science books are coming out all the time, very frequently, and they are usually followed by people whose profession is science. I mean the modern positive sciences. We know intellectually that the positive sciences are the history of metaphysics. And metaphysics is superior to physics, that is, in terms of urgency. Physics is something that never ends as you read. Metaphysics is not like that. Why shouldn’t the theory of relativity be a problem of existence?

The photograph below is actually used in Sufism, which belongs to Anatolian esotericism, to mean “I take from the sky and bring to the ground”. This means that I take from the subconscious, that is, metaphysics, and bring it to the physical world. Even Aristotle did this. It is possible to see the same meaning in Plato and Aristotle in the centre of Raffaello Sanzio’s art painting of the school of Athens.


So why should we know quantum physics? Because physics knowledge is not only for inventing technological products. It is also important to understand the physical world we live in. Therefore, you can think of quantum physics life philosophy as a kind of law. I have to make analogies, even though I don’t find it right. So the quantum physics philosophy of life encompasses the nature of man and the spiritual laws that govern us, why shouldn’t it? Quantum physics or quantum mechanics studies subatomic particles. But we cannot say that there is no influence at the macro level.

The foundations of quantum mechanics were actually laid in the twentieth century. And two important theories really shook us.
Relativity and quantum theory. The definition of our understanding of matter, time, space and even consciousness has changed. Classical physics, Newtonian physics, started in the 1600s. And let’s talk about the differences between it and quantum physics.


According to our current consciousness, the perception of time is a perception of time flowing from the past to the future. And Newton, that is, the classical understanding of physics, also said that this was so. But we realised with quantum physics that it is not so. According to quantum physics, time is actually an instant. In other words, each moment contains both the past and the future within itself. It is also possible to summarise this as a sealed time, time within time or our future time created in meditation. But what I am really talking about is that the cause of all the good or bad behaviours we do in the past and the future is the result of what we do in those Moments. I am saying something that goes against the principle of causality, something that goes against common sense, yes. But in time your mind will get used to it.

For example, if I need to explain this a little more simply, you experienced that situation at the age of 20 because of a decision you made at the age of 30 when you were 20. When we look at things that we define as good, bad, wrong, right, and right in the long term, we say that it is good that it happened that way. The problem of fate and free will is a both/and theory according to Aristotle’s logic and quantum mechanics. Our free will both exists and does not exist, Fate both exists and does not exist. Sometimes our other bodies create chaos. It’s not a good thing for our long term
even if it seems bad at the time.

In classical Newtonian physics, nature is ordered. It is deterministic. By definition, determinism is the doctrine that the functioning of the universe and the events that take place in the universe are determined by various scientific laws, for example the laws of physics, and that the realisation of these determined events is obligatory. In other words, it is not open to surprises and miracles. And it speaks of an Absolute phenomenon. However, nature does not have such an extremely mechanised structure. According to quantum mechanics, indeterminism is true. So it has a freer structure. Nature is complex, yes, there is both chaos and order. The two are like two sides of the same coin. Without chaos there would be no order, without order there would be no chaos.

In physics, energy means the ability to do work. People who can use energies with their bodies can have the power of sanction. Richard Ferman was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1965 for his discovery of virtual photons, which are not visible light, although they are light. Every human being has an energy body surrounding his physical body. It has an aura. Tachyons interact faster than light. And they have an effect on the physical world. They actually create order. The universe in quantum physics, that is, the place we live in the physical world, is multidimensional and what is called time is actually a fourth dimension. Extrasensory perception is possible with the existence of tachyons.

This is contrary to the principle of causality in science, but it is not possible to measure them with today’s technological instruments, but when you discover psychic properties and your metaphysical experiences increase, you know this. Positive sciences are insufficient here. Science does not only consist of positive sciences. If you read the history of the occult world, occult sciences and alchemy are of great importance.
Even Newton devoted his life to alchemy.

The word “realm” refers not only to the material physical world, but also to the human spirit and the metaphysical realm. I have mentioned in previous lectures that we have our own self and other consciousnesses. In psychological science
ID cannot be restricted as EGO, SUPEREGO. The attainment of perfection mentioned in Sufism is an upper level consciousness dimension.

Roughly speaking, man is a bio-psycho-psycho-social-psychic structure. Biology is his physical characteristic, psychosocial aspect is his spiritual characteristic. Then there are people who really have psychic powers. All human beings are interconnected. Wahdat-i vücud is true. We are even connected to God, the universal, the main source energy. We say this not as a philosophical discourse, but as a deduction from the philosophy of quantum physics. What breaks our connection with the universal spirit from time to time, that is, what lowers our frequency the most is the EGO in human relations. The word “tekamül” is actually a secret teaching. It is esoteric, based on esotericism.

Those who strengthen their connection with the universal spirit (i.e. with God) have fewer problems in the physical world. The theory of relativity asserts that there can be no effect faster than light. Tachyons, that is. The double slit experiment made it clear that light is both a wave and a particle. This has been tried many times. From this point of view, we can even infer states of meditation and ecstasy. Because Einstein’s theory of Relativity and the quantum theory that developed afterwards shook our belief in the real world. String theory, multiple dimensions, multiple universes indicate that there is not a single materialistic reality, but a multiple reality structure life. Human beings should live in the physical world and the metaphysical realm at the same time.

Of course, everyone has a personal time according to his/her personal evolution. The double slit experiment and the Copenhagen interpretation say that there is no reality independent of the observer and reject the materialist, mechanistic world view. There are faster-than-light interactions between photons.

In Sufi teachings, there are layered states of consciousness. The first of these is nafsi Emmare, i.e. command. Automaton. Automaton human. If someone does evil to him, he does it too. It is ego. Self-centred. Self-centred. However, he has to behave humanely, this can transform even the other person and his own frequency increases. Firstly, it is necessary to overcome the level of Nafsi Emmare. People in this dimension of consciousness live their whole life as getting a job, working, being fed, clothed and sheltered. This is a stage to be overcome. Today’s modern scientific endeavours operate according to the rules of Objectivity, Locality, Positivity and Reductionism. However, these collapsed with quantum mechanics.

I will explain them one by one in the following lessons. Although the development of technology until this time has been according to these, these key cornerstones have been experimentally refuted many times with quantum theory. Life is not only about technological progress. You cannot even set off without quantum theory, everything from navigation to everything is explained, discovered and invented with quantum theory, yes, but this does not mean that we should not think about its philosophy. Astrology is important and different from astronomy, but esoteric astrology, occult astrology is the real issue. Many astrologers are not dealing with the real wisdom behind it.

The universe is a holistic web of energy. Entanglement. The 2022 Nobel Prize was also awarded for this. One day at a symposium, a man asked Fred Alan Wolf, a famous theoretical physicist, if we can hear from our dead father, and Fred Alan Wolf answered as follows; It can come whether he is dead or not. But the main issue is not whether he is dead or not, but whether he will want to talk to you or not. The double slit experiment tells us that the wave function collapses when observation is made, so emotions such as love are included in this, when it is sincere and intense, the wave function will collapse and information will go to the spiritual structure of that person and he will feel it in the physical world.

It sounds very contradictory, but there are people who experience many kinds of psychic abilities and parapsychological states. The most advanced of these were actually dervishes, arifs and prophets. Man is also an intuitive metaphysical being. Evolution continues and is not only a biological phenomenon.

With the development of artificial intelligence, the modern world must now turn to METAPHYSICS, i.e. wisdom education. There are serious worldview differences between modern science and wisdom. This means knowledge-science. Science is the opposite of wisdom. Science is knowledge. It is not wisdom. The wise person lives metaphysics in his daily life, he is an arif. Even the arif takes the knowledge of wisdom. Yunus emre says that when he says that knowledge is to know knowledge, he says that knowledge is to know wisdom. otherwise he would have written it shorter as knowledge is to know wisdom. pay attention, he says that knowledge is to know wisdom. This also leads to Irfan. Knowing oneself, knowing oneself, is related to the ESOTERIC aspect of knowing oneself. (Esotericism) Otherwise, one reads books for years in vain, that is, in vain… The valuable summary of science and philosophy is wisdom. It is wisdom. It is not knowledge. It is wisdom.

Religions have esoteric and exoteric aspects. Esotericism, the esoteric aspect is very important and in fact the Heaven and Hell meant by religions is not a place we go to after we die, but a place we go to before we die. There is no reality completely independent of us. So according to the Copenhagen interpretation, by meditating we change the reality outside by collapsing the wave function. This is no longer philosophy, but physical metaphysics. Even Aristotle did physics and biology based on metaphysics. Plato was an initiate. And he concentrated more on metaphysics than Aristotle. The mind has degrees, levels, hierarchy.

Fractal geometry is more successful in describing natural structures. In other words, it is different and advanced from classical Euclidean geometry. It is advanced. In order to get rid of the chaos in the physical world, that is, for Happiness, it is necessary to reach unity (vahdet e) vahdet i vücud consciousness. If man uses his right brain, if he gets rid of the pressure of rational intelligence, the mind opens up and reaches information that rational thought cannot reach. In metaphysics, he can even be educated in the astral realm and his education can be accelerated. Esoteric initiations fall into this category. One can even receive news from the future. This is possible, it is not shirk. That is why religions have esoteric teachings because the people cannot understand such a high consciousness. Hazrat was actually human.

Awareness is to know that everything is a consciousness and that this consciousness is constantly evolving. Man both discovers and invents existing things, and these are two different things. According to quantum mechanics, the observer and the observed affect each other. Concepts are in fact both man-made and not. God is both transcendent and immanent. Knowledge belongs to both the physical and metaphysical realms. The most common mistake is that we experience these realms now, that is, before we die, not after we die. We must live. These are intertwined realms. Even Einstein’s theory of relativity knows that the speed of light is a limit speed, valid only under certain conditions. So it’s not absolute. He actually had a cult connection. He had mystical training. These are no longer conspiracy theories. We know that Newton and Nikola tesla were intensely interested in occultism and alchemy.

There is even the law of desire in the universe, which is given to us if we take the necessary actions in the physical world. According to string theory, there is 11 dimensional space and 4 dimensional space-time structure. Time is the fourth dimension. And mathematical models have proved that the other 7 dimensions have become invisible. British biologist Rupert Sheldrake argued that there is a common MORPHOGENETIC field affecting the behaviour of species in the development of biological systems unlike Darwin. Darwin was right about some things, of course. In other words, according to Darwin, not the physically strong and intelligent ones, but those who can adapt to changing environmental conditions survive and transfer their consciousness to the next life. With the development of artificial intelligence, the modern world must now move towards METAPHYSICS, that is, wisdom education. There are serious worldview differences between Science and Knowledge.

Modern science has the principle of falsifiability, as scientists themselves say. And modern science cannot explain the truth with the help of mathematics and geometry. It will always be inadequate in this. With this modern scientific method, man can never fully recognise himself. He cannot descend into the truth of objects as he cannot descend into his own truth. They also find it unnecessary. The Arif (the sage) understands, the Arif (the sage) sees the TRUTH OF THINGS through initiated meditation. Scholars know that they have obtained this by reading. But the Arifs would do it and put it into experience. He lived on the horizon of Physics and Metaphysics at the same time. A mystical life. There is no death, in fact, there is transformation, Evolution. Mevlana, Yunus Emre, Rene Guenon are important. In the following chapters, I will share the pill information in daily life directly.

In Sufism, there are layers of knowledge as well as layers of self. For example, Ilmel yakin, Aynel yakin, Hakkel yakin, etc. In fact, no one has done serious research on what Freemasonry has taken from Sufism. In Arabic, men arefe nafsahu faqad arafe rabbehu. This means that he who knows himself only knows his Lord. And there are esoteric languages of self-knowledge. In Sufism, there are levels such as nafs i- raziyye, nafs i mutmain, nafs i marziye, nafs i levvame, human kamil. The highest level is the Kamil man, the human kamil.

Believing does not mean believing in God, belief is already a stage to be overcome. Mystical experience, metaphysical experience, that is, believing in the news that comes with our psychic abilities such as clairvoyance and clairaudience. This is faith. Mahmud Erol Kılıç’s and Dücane Cündüoğlu’s books are important. For practical metaphysics it is necessary to read other works. Maji gives all the general headings. Hermetic knowledge is closed knowledge. In the modern world, the Enlightenment, the revolution of Consciousness, the Renaissance, is a person’s progress towards practical metaphysics.

We have also come to experience this materialistic world, but we should never lead a purely materialistic life here. There is a serious difference between reading too many kinds of books and reading too many of the right books. Just like there is a difference between erudition and wisdom. Very few people can really control the subconscious mind. It is not possible to make changes in the physical world by ordinary meditations. This is where physical world initiations come in.

The special theory of relativity also supports faster-than-light interactions, i.e. tachyons. Technological instruments have experimental inadequacy. It is also possible to directly experience other dimensions. A true yoga master, KUNDALINI can give you a high level occultism experience. Although quarks have not yet been seen in the laboratory, their existence is recognised by modern science. The Higgs particle has already been scientifically proven in 2013. Entanglement was proven in 2022 with the Nobel Prize.

In this study I have benefited from books dealing with the field of reality beyond physics, but the book I benefited from the most was Haluk Berkmen — Quantum Wisdom and Sufism.



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Hello, my name is Abdullah Aktaş. I blog on METAPHYSICS-PARAPSYCHOLOGY-ESOTERISM-OCCULTISM and I am active on my Youtube Channel. www.metafizikvekuantum.com/en