4,000 steps > 10,000 steps

You can literally walk away from death…



Created with Canva Ai

How I became a walker:

Hey, my name is Aaron and I am 21 years old. Like most young people I used to consider walking as something rather boring. Don’t get me wrong, physical activity has always been one of the essential aspects of my life, but until recently, I associated movement with intense sports. From Jiu Jitsu to handball, football, endurance running, cycling, swimming, strength training, and even bouldering. I’ve done it all. But then last fall it happened. I broke my finger during a soccer match. It may not sound that dramatic and there are certainly an infinite number of injuries that are much worse, but for me it meant no sport for 8 weeks! It felt like the end of the world because sport is as much a part of my everyday life as brushing my teeth.

But what now? How do I make sure my body doesn’t get rusty? The answer was actually quite simple. I still needed to exercise. I could forget about strength training as I was unable to grip and anything to do with running was out of the question due to the vibration. So there was only one option left for me to keep moving:


Until then, I thought walking was something for old people and every time my parents or grandparents planned a walk or went hiking, I…




| Athlete | Writer | Content creator | Footballer |