Questioning My Dreams In Quest For Clarity …

Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2023

What are dreams?

Image by freepik from Freepik
Image by freepik from Freepik

Do dreams have to be fulfilled? Or are they just the essence that keeps us moving forward through life? Are dreams another form of hope? Or are they just an illusion we fell in love with so that we feel purposeful? Is pursuing our dreams the answer to our happiness? Or does waiting for them to turn into reality mean putting our happiness on hold?

What are dreams, anyway?

Are they the ones we had when we were 5 years old? Or the ones we have now? Is my meaning of now the same as everyone else’s? Is dreaming of becoming a pilot someday one of them? Does dreaming of marrying my first love count? Or are just adulthood dreams the only ones that matter? Are following your dreams and pursuing your passions the same thing?

Are dreams supposed to change over time? Do they really grow bigger as we grow? Or is it something we keep telling ourselves, seeking consolation, whenever we fail to realize them? Is achieving our dreams can be beyond our control? Is focusing too much on them can prevent us from living? Is living can be considered a dream? Aren’t they an excuse for a crappy life?

Does having to focus on your behavior instead of your goals mean you should stop dreaming? Do we actually choose our dreams, or do they choose us? How could we know that we are eligible to have a specific dream? Does stating to become something mean stepping away from our ability to be that something? Are dreams the babysitters that we turn to to take care of us whenever we get tired? Is there a day when we’ll say, ‘Okay, I have accomplished all that I’m looking forward to accomplishing; let’s take a nap now’?

What are dreams, anyway?

Are they the motivators that push us to accomplish more every day? Or the blocker that keeps on reminding us that we will never be enough? Do dreams push us further into achieving more, or do they block us from whatever other possibility? Is having a dream a way of keeping our lives meaningful, or is it a sophisticated way to skip reality and the dullness within? Monks and yogis who have spent their lives meditating insist on the importance of staying in the present moment. Is focusing on a future dream thus banned?

Are people defined by what they dream to be or by what they really are? Does life want us to live in the present moment or to dream in the distant future? What if our dreams are far away from our reality? Should we give up dreaming and stick to reality? Or should we keep dreaming and stop living?

As the famous quote states, “Life is a journey, not a destination,” and reaching your specific dream is not the journey’s end. Because even after that, you will remain the exact same person, just with higher standards and a new, different dream. As life is unpredictable, we will always remain at the edge of change.

So wouldn’t we be happier if we lived every day as it is? If we just go with the flow…

Thank you for reading.
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