Social Media

Two Methods I Use To Find Great Questions To Answer on Quora

They helped me gain over 2.5 million views.

Louis Petrik
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2021


quora find question
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I love Quora. The question-answer platform offers a ton of good content — and of course, the opportunity to get your words seen by thousands of people.

Yet, there is so much content that you almost drown in it.

When I started on Quora, I had one goal: to build reach. But what questions should I answer then? Whether you’re already familiar with Quora or not, there are two helpful tricks for finding questions that could give you a lot of reaches.

Here are two methods I used to do that.

1. Using the Quora Ads Manager

The first trick I use to find golden questions on Quora is built right into Quora.

We will use the Quora Ads Manager, which will give us detailed information about weekly views on a particular question.

  1. Click on your profile image (on the right side of the picture), which should lead to a menu dropping down.

2. In this menu, select “Ads Manager.” The Quora Ads Manager should start, which you might have to set up first (It shouldn’t take too long and doesn’t cost you anything).



Louis Petrik

JavaScript & Python. Figuring out life, one idea at a time. Unlimited reads: