Medium And Quora Free Traffic Strategy

Quora Spaces To Boost Medium Story Views!

Learn How To Use Quora Spaces To Boost Medium Story Views!

Deon Christie
Published in
9 min readMar 11, 2023


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quora spaces for increased medium views and reads
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this article.

Introduction to Quora and Quora spaces.

Quora spaces for Medium visitors.

Quora answers for more Medium views.

Your Quora profile about section.

Quora traffic strategy in a nutshell.

Introduction to Quora and Quora spaces.

Quora is a questions and answers site, that receives around 720 million visitors per month. 40% of those visitors are from the United States, that’s 280.8 million USA visitors per month.

While another 15% are from the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. Adding another 10.8 million top-tier visitors. Therefore, over 50% of the traffic Quora receives each month is from top-tier countries.

That is an estimated total of 291.6 million top-tier (United States/United Kingdom/Canada/Australia) visitors per month, that is who Quora is. With Quora, you have Quora Spaces.

With Medium, you have Medium publications. Both serve pretty much the same purpose. To the best of my understanding, Quora spaces used to be Quora blogs.

To me personally, Quora spaces and Medium publications are quite similar with a few minor differences. Both come down to a form of blogging or writing if you would.

Quora spaces and medium publications and stories form part of a much larger content marketing strategy. Because your Quora answers, just like your Medium stories are indexed in search engines.

In this article, you will learn about a few ways to leverage Quora for more traffic to your Medium profile and stories. Illustrating the potential of Quora spaces below. This space had 15.8K views and 646 followers in one week!

quora spaces possibilities and proof of free visitors
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Admittedly, I have been on Quora since 2017 so I have multiple Quora spaces, 138 Quora spaces to be more accurate. The above illustration is just a screenshot from one that is doing rather well (with over 85K followers).

But I already have an entire content marketing strategy set inside Quora with Quora spaces. So I have to admit that I have not been very active on Quora over the last 6 months.

Regardless, the content marketing strategy I use with Quora spaces and Quora still brings in over 30K visitors per month without me doing much. But that entire setup is a topic for another time.

With this article, I am just going to guide you through linking your Medium profile, stories, and Medium publications to Quora. As illustrated below, you will see the 30K or so content views for the month on Quora.

The “autopilot” results speak for themselves. But you might want to check out the other Medium stories included in this one where Quora and Quora spaces are covered in much more detail.

quora analytic results 30K views without publishing anything
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Quora spaces and Medium publications can be tremendous traffic and readers boost. Now imagine joining those two together! We will look at a few ways to leverage Quora and Quora spaces for more Medium views and reads.

But that is just an indication of what is possible, next you are going to learn how to put this in place. And exactly where your Medium readers will be coming from.

Quora spaces for Medium visitors.

There are two ways of leveraging Quora spaces for more Medium views, as for the pinned post. We will get to that a bit later in this article so keep reading.

Pin A Quora Answer.

Link From The Details.

Answering Quora questions and including a link to your Medium story, will be covered next. That is why I mentioned the pinned post on your Quora space. You will understand better after the next subheading.

Quora spaces also have a “details” area, kind of like the “about” section with your Medium profile. This is where I include a few hyperlinks to selected URLs. These include.

Quora Profile.

Medium Profile.

Medium Publications.

Medium Website.

In this case, my “Medium Publications” hyperlink redirects to my Medium About page. Because on the About page, you will find all 8 of my Medium publications.

Adding the pinned post with a link to your Medium story related to the topic or question to your Quora space. This means that every visitor reaching your Quora space will see that post first.

In this (one Quora space) case, 15.8K average Quora space views per week see that pinned post first. 646 followers in the same period, says the audience is targeted. They want to know how to make money writing online.

As illustrated below, you can see that the pinned post is a Quora question about “How can I make money writing online?”. And in the footer of that answer is my Medium story that explains precisely how to do that. While the Medium story footer contains my affiliate offer.

how to drive free medium traffic with quora spaces
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

The Medium website you see here is part of another content marketing strategy where you create a free Canva website. This website then redirects to your Medium profile.

Because this entire content marketing strategy is designed to serve one primary purpose. Getting more views and visitors to your Medium profile. You might want to check out the Medium story below for more about Quora spaces.

Quora answers for more Medium views.

Search for Quora questions with a high following count, and directly related to the topic of your Medium story. Now you want to write your answer based on the topic of your Medium story.

But don’t “give it all away”, your Quora answer is your chance to create curiosity. Because curiosity will lead to compelling your Quora reader to visit your Medium story. Curiosity is a fantastic conversion strategy.

Try focusing on long-form content, I believe it receives more recognition from the Quora algorithm. Like any other algorithm to the best of my understanding, it will look for the best answer with the highest response rate.

Below is an illustration of a Quora question with a rather large following count. These are the kinds of questions you want to search for. Remember, the plan is to pin your answer to your Quora space.

example of the kind of quora questions to answer for medium traffic
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

But you must also create an attention-grabbing presentation image for your Quora answer. Because this becomes the thumbnail used by search engines, especially on mobile devices.

I find that the presentation template with Canva work rather well and downloading it as a PNG file makes loading a little faster. If you do use text in your image, then focus it on the centre of the image. When used as a thumbnail, the image will get cropped from the sides.

Once you have your Quora answer ready, you can include the link to your Medium story in the footer area. If done correctly, Quora will automatically display the link with a thumbnail as seen below.

So, now you can receive Medium views from your pinned answer on your Quora space. Along with all the links in the Quora space description area. But we are not quite done yet.

writing a quora answer and linking back to medium
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

There is one more gear to add to this traffic machine, your Quora profile. As mentioned earlier, this is one of the links I personally include in all my Quora spaces details areas.

Your Quora profile about section.

Like any other online profile, your Quora profile must be completed as professionally and as conclusive as possible. What your visitor to your profile sees first makes a world of difference.

This brings us back to curiosity. The more curiosity you create, the higher your stats will climb. But it is not always easy to create competitive curiosity. Competition is fierce regardless of your niche or topic.

Your Quora profile “about” or “description” area is where we conclude this Medium traffic strategy. Apart from Medium though, you can also include hyperlinks to your other online profiles like social media.

Personally, I also include the links to Medium publications where I am the editor. In my experience, Quora is fine with legitimate URLs and profiles. But this strategy is not a place to share your affiliate offers.

Don’t lose focus of our primary objective, getting more Medium traffic. This strategy is designed to do that, and not a single affiliate offer is included anywhere on Quora.

leveraging your quora profile for more medium views and reads
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

You might also notice in the illustration screenshot above, that I also link to LinkedIn. Why is that? Because Medium and LinkedIn are two of the very large sites I know of that allow you to share affiliate offers.

So, once the visitor has completed the (content marketing strategy) journey, eventually they end up at your affiliate offer. Give people reasons to visit your content, and they will.

Quora traffic strategy in a nutshell.

Although the steps of what to do with the strategy and how to apply it are covered. You will find many of the tutorials on how to create these sites from the Medium stories included in this one.

But it all comes down to just a few basic steps, quite a bit of work, but still just a few basic steps. Oh, I almost forgot. Using the same profile pictures will make you more recognizable.

Personally, I use the same cover images and profile images as most of my online profiles. Because then your Medium audience recognizes you from Quora, while your Quora audience recognizes you from YouTube, and so on. See where this is going with recognition?

Creating Quora Spaces.

Launching Medium Publications.

Leveraging The Details Areas.

Answer Questions And Include a Medium Story.

Use The Pinned Post Feature.

Only five basic steps to set up this content marketing strategy to increase your Medium views and reads. A content marketing strategy I find rather effective.

Not really “explosive” yet, but it takes time to build a Castle, right? The point is that this content marketing strategy works, as I am certain you can see the logic behind the strategy.

Your success is important to us, so we have done everything we can to make sure you get the highest possible conversions. There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all! So we’ve created 5 funnels with different angles for you to choose from based on your audience and traffic! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

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Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.