Raccoons Are Disgusting, Not like Cartoon Characters at All

They’re depraved and gross, leave them alone

Lawson Wallace


Photo by 俊杰 鄭: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-racoons-7280366/

I knew little about raccoons, I don’t remember ever seeing one in the wild, except on nature shows on TV. I laughed at them when I watched cartoons when I was a kid.

When I reported on my first shift of the first night as a security guard. There was a box of Vanilla Wafers on the guard desk. The guard I relieved explained that they were for the raccoon that would stop by several times a night.

He was an old and greying creature, he seemed more tired than anything else

When the guard finished giving me the basics of what was expected of me on my shift, he left me alone. I was on the midnight shift. I was proud that I stayed awake through the night.

As soon as things settled down, I heard a soft tapping on the glass door of the guardhouse. There was the raccoon. The old and scruffy creature looked at me with undisguised cunning.

He was spoiled, he expected the treat, and he had little fear, but he was still wary

When I reached for the box of Vanilla Wafers, he backed away from the door so it wouldn’t hit him when I…



Lawson Wallace

64-year-old married guy, I have been writing stories for years, but never submitted or published anything. I write about my successes and failures, everything.