Race Lessen / Mental Regression

A Poem

Bashar Salame, D.C
Published in
1 min readJun 28, 2020


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

How old were you before realizing the planet,
had dividing boarders, drawn by those who ran it?

More difficult still, but have you imagined,
humans being one species, discrimination abandoned.

Silly perhaps, too simple a lesson,
speak to a child, they’ll make an impression.

Children will tell you, unless they’ve been corrupted,
racism must end, we must disrupt it.

Talk to a child, rethink your thinking,
you were once here, before social imprinting.

Unlearn and return, viewing with wonder,
the way you once did, when you were younger.



Bashar Salame, D.C

Chiropractor/Nutritionist/Triathlete. Restoring health — Enhancing Life. Beirut Born→ Detroit Bred https://twitter.com/Detroitchiro