A Poem

Raindrops and Memories

A Poem: Learning to Smile Through the Pain of Lost Love

KAKA LAM 嘉嘉 @iamkakalamkk
Published in
2 min readJul 14, 2023


Photo by Kiley Lawson on Unsplash

Raindrops fall outside the window,
Obscuring the view with misty haze,
Faces become difficult to recognize,
Trying to remember to smile,
But consolation doesn’t always work,
The pain of a ripped wound is not easily healed.

Thought love could bring eternal happiness,
Believed unhappiness was due to craving something different,
The experience of multiple breakups made me realize,
The more we pursue perfect love, the deeper the wounds.

Looking back on the past, the loneliest is oneself,
Reluctant to let go of past promises,
But missed out on future hope,
The past cannot be revisited to make it better,
Forget the pain, keep only beautiful memories.

Guessing what would happen if we could reunite,
But who can guarantee to regain the initial excitement,
One’s happiness doesn’t have to rely on others.



KAKA LAM 嘉嘉 @iamkakalamkk

Writer, Poet, Content Creator & Banker. Holds 4 Master’s Degrees, is pursuing a Doctoral Degree. Substack: @iamkakalamkk https://youtube.com/@iamkakalamkk