Read First, Talk Later — the Story of my Life

3 books I recommend — so far — for anyone else trying to self-educate around the topic of #BlackLivesMatter

Em Unravelling
Published in
7 min readJun 17, 2020


Here are the occasions when I’ve been actively criticised for trying to bury my head in a book instead of interacting with the world around me: at family breakfasts as a child; at big family birthday parties, also as a child; on work experience as a teenager, waiting for my chronically workshy supervisor to make his inevitable 11am appearance, and having nothing else to do (still fume at the injustice of that one); whilst allowing my baby to eat finger foods in her highchair, with half an ear cocked for choking sounds; and many times on a bench, at the park, while my small children played on the climbing frame and swings.

Leaving aside my own feelings on how fair or unfair these criticisms were (actually, no, I will rant briefly on this — I see plenty of mothers these days scrolling through their phones whilst feeding their babies or sitting at the park, and I see zero difference in our behaviour other than the fact that I was probably reading something more interesting than a Facebook weird trick to melt away belly fat, so yeah I wish I’d known we’d all be ignoring our kids at some point and stood up for myself more…



Em Unravelling

Lover of words, books, hiking, nature and big skies. Running is my favourite thing (after the words & the books). As feisty as I need to be.