Read If You Are Feeling Tired, Low, or Lost: 6 Ways to get out

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3 min readFeb 26, 2024
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“You often feel tired, not because you’ve done too much, but because you’ve done too little of what sparks a light in you- Alexander Den Heijer

And Bruce Springsteen said while dancing in the dark.
You can’t start a fire without a spark!

Look, I am not looking to start a fire, but I am lost.

What sparks a light in me?
What sparks a light in you?

Apart from wanting to quit as you light that cigarette when was the last time you felt lit?

What is something you wish to do but somehow haven’t, yet?
Its a genuine question not a command.
Ask yourself.

I see you asking me, why is this even relevant?

Because when you don’t keep promises made to yourself, it impacts your self image.
Your words lose worth and confidence takes a dip.

But what if you don’t know what you want?

But you know that you don’t know
and that is a good starting point.
But its not an acceptable walk-away statement.

So get lost.
Spend some alone time with it.

The healing you seek is in the silence you avoid.

Dare I ask, what is that deferred dream?

The dream that once sparked excitement but is now quickly replaced with darkness.
Dragging in your poor past performances and failed private promises.

So much so that you don’t even want to repeat it, it’s draining energy.
You are exhausted before effort.
The dream remains deferred.

But maybe it still haunts you coz maybe you still want it.

PS: When I say “You” here I mean Me, too.

So what do we do?

  1. Drop it.
    If the mental space is getting heavy and you’re going on in a loop.


It’s very hard to control the mind with the mind.
Look to the body instead.

Change your physiology to change your thoughts.

  • Relax the shoulders
  • Release the tensed-up eyebrows.
  • Straighten your spine. Stand Tall.

Flip the narrative:

Remember: You don’t need to feel great to exercise.
Instead, exercise to feel great!

2. Let’s start with the DO Something principle.

Which means do something, anything.
Just DO something.
But be careful, understand DO, better.

DO is a verb
A verb is
a word that indicates a physical action
Take action.

Remember action dispels all doubts
The best way out is always through.

The eternal tension between what is and what ought to be either leads to frustration or transformation.
The choice is yours- Alexander Den Heijer

Choose what is right for you even if that is hard to do.
Hard choices, easy life easy choices, hard life.

3 . Being happy is not a constant.
It is often a by-product of progress made in the desired direction.
Also being not lost or going from Loser to Winner is not an event but a process.
Embrace the messy process.
Get out of your head and get out of your on way.

4. Watch out for what you repeat.
Is it your problem statement?

Why are you repeating what the problem is with new words?
Is it a genuine quest for solutions or Is to have your prejudices validated ?

A good solution is not different for a bad one.
The magic happens in the implementation.

5. Don’t Lie.

To lie to someone you must first lie to yourself.
Quit lying to yourself

If you are still feeling like shit:
Spent time with the Shit.
Sit with it.

Listen to what this shit is trying to tell you.
What are your insecurities trying to guard you against?

Face them.

It’s not finding yourself that’s hard; it’s facing yourself that is.” Alexander Den Heijer

Now if you have identified something that you know you could do
& if you did do, your life would be better.
Do it.

PS: If you need with it, Let talk.
Click this here to Talk to me:)




X Head Hunter, Yoga Life Coach, MCBT-Mindfulness Cognitive Behaviour Therapy practitioner. DeCoded: All For Making You Healthier & Happier :)