Read It Twice; Done Is Better Than Perfect

We have flaws, and we can make mistakes.

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
4 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Are you perfect? Do you wait for things to be perfect? If yes, you are making a big mistake. You will never make things perfect. You have to start and then see what needs to be improved.

Making things perfect at the start will always stop you from starting.

“Too late, I found you can’t wait to become perfect, you got to go out and fall down and get up with everybody else.”
― Ray Bradbury

The Pitfalls of Perfectionism

I have seen many people waiting for things to be perfect. But at what cost? When do you think the product will be perfect? Is there any timeline?

Perfectionism may lead to procrastination and paralysis. The fear of failing to achieve perfection often hinders people from starting or completing tasks. However, by prioritizing completion, you can overcome these barriers and make consistent progress.

As said, version 1 is always better than version 0. You need to show the important thing and then work on the imperfection over time to improve it. Keep in mind that perfectionism is a myth.

Nothing is perfect except things created by God. And, by there, no means you are one.

The Value of Iteration and Improvement

When you release version 1, you are out in the world. Now, you are open to feedback. Improve your product over time and see what needs to be changed.

Iterate overtime to make things better over time. There should be a continuous improvement in your product. If you have noticed, Gmail has been in beta for many years. They improved over the years and not on day one.

What if they never launched it? Completing a task enables iteration and refinement. Improvement comes from feedback and experience rather than striving for perfection on the first attempt, promoting learning and growth for better results.

Efficiency and Productivity

If you want your task completed on time, you must start working on it rather than thinking of making it perfect. You need to complete things and take time to perfect them.

Your productivity will only show when the work you are doing is completed. Refrain from wasting your time thinking of making everything perfect. It will eat into your productivity, and you will not complete whatever is in your hands.

Prioritizing completion over perfection enhances efficiency and productivity. Setting realistic standards and deadlines allows you to accomplish more in less time. This mindset helps you manage time and resources effectively, avoiding burnout and maintaining momentum.

Building Confidence and Momentum

If you have ever completed something on time, you have seen that your confidence has been boosted. This is because you feel a sense of completion and fulfilment.

When this step is completed, you can continue your momentum of doing things. Now is the time to see what needs to be changed. You will start to improve over time and continue building your confidence.

Finishing tasks builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment, even if imperfect. Each completed project boosts motivation and encourages you to tackle more challenging goals. This positive reinforcement creates a cycle of continuous progress.

Embracing Imperfection as a Learning Opportunity

As I have already mentioned, nothing is perfect in this world. However, things you see in nature are perfect. Trees, flowers, animals, mountains, and rivers are natural and perfect.

Humans have flaws, and we must embrace our imperfections. We can make mistakes, and we need to improve over time. See every imperfection as a learning opportunity to gain something new.

As you start working, you will learn many things you have done wrong or right. You need to focus on improvement rather than perfection.

Accepting imperfections allows us to learn from our mistakes and grow. Mistakes and imperfections are valuable learning opportunities that provide insights and experience. Focusing on the process rather than the outcome develops resilience and adaptability.

“To do better is better than to be perfect.”
― Toba Beta

To conclude, perfection can lead to procrastination, laziness, reduced efficiency, less confidence, and less productivity. Make sure you start on things and restrain yourself from waiting for things to be perfect.

God had created us to learn from things. We have flaws, and we can make mistakes. Embrace this journey to make yourself a better version. Start now and do whatever it takes.

I ghostwrite long-form creative content for Founders, CEOs and Coaches to help them build their authority.

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​