Read This if You Are a Sunlover Anxious About the Darker Seasons

6 Tips to Survive the Cold

Maria Schlosser
3 min readOct 3, 2022


Illustration by Maria Schlosser

1. Stock up on reading material

Reading is a wonderful way to forget that it has been weeks since you last saw a ray of sunshine.

Preorder a hardcover. Browse for paperbacks in your city’s second-hand bookshop. Download some comfort books onto your eReader. Sign up for an audio streaming service. Whatever floats your boat. In the realm of escapism.

2. Drink hot beverages

Whether you are a seasoned coffee lover. Only just discovered your love for tea. Or have been team hot chocolate since you were a little kid. If it’s hot. It will do the job.

And if you think you are none of the above. Give it another shot. For all I know you could have changed since you developed that conviction.

3. Spend time in a café

The cold season is the perfect time to sit in a café.

As raindrops sprinkle the windows. The sky is grey. And people hurry about their day with umbrellas or newspapers as protection.

While you sit at the window. Engulfed by the welcoming warmth inherent to a cozy coffee shop. The smell of freshly ground coffee and homemade cake in the air. Spending your time working at your laptop. Having a much-needed conversation with your favourite people. Or just sitting there, drinking your cup of coffee whilst watching your environment.

Illustration by Maria Schlosser

4. Go outside in the daylight

Whenever I bring myself to go outside. I feel so much better afterward. No matter the weather.

A brief walk during lunch break can change the mood for the rest of the day. Especially as daylight becomes a rare commodity when the days are getting shorter.

Being able to listen to the sound of fallen leaves crunching underneath your boots.Maybe even soaking up a couple of sun rays breaking through the clouds. Can make you feel like you are on top of the world.

5. Treat yourself to warming foods

Fall season is soup season. There’s hardly a more comforting feeling than sitting together and sharing a pot of soup.

Apart from sharing a caquelon of fondue of course.Taking turns dipping pieces of bread into melted cheese. Graciously puff air onto the cheese-dipped bread until it cools enough to plop it into your mouth. Then wash it down with a sip of wine. Feel the warmth traveling all the way to your stomach.

Whatever food can warm your body and soul this way. Treat yourself to that.

6. Time for reflection

As winter approaches, we are spending more time inside. Literally and figuratively.

The falling of leaves. Leaving behind tree skeletons. Gives a melancholic feeling.A reminder of the transience of life. Of death.

A chance to finally let go, of what no longer serves. To think about ourselves. The life we created. And what we want our future to look like.

So, take the time to cuddle up under a blanket. With your drink of choice.

And let your thoughts wander.

You may be surprised where they land.



Maria Schlosser

passionate writer. voracious reader. enthusiastic traveler.