Reading Antique Books

My oldest books still impart knowledge and wisdom, with a bonus of humor

Jim Parton


Shelves holding antique books in artistic bindings
Photograph by author/author bookshelf

Old books have always called out to me. Their covers and pages are a snapshot frozen in time. I have been collecting books of all kinds for the past 65 years, but my passion became Antique Books twenty years ago. A portion of the intrigue is the beautiful bindings and artwork used on the editions. Often titles are in gold leaf or silver leaf, and the printing is old-world English style. The covers are a work of art on their own.

In Colonial America, the value of a book to a bookshelf or mantle was purely for the cover of the book and often not the content. Books were purchased for artistic appeal rather than the information promised. However, the ink etchings and illustrations inside the books are unusually detailed and beautifully done, and if there is a color plate it will be protected by a piece of tissue paper.

Contents can be more fascinating due to the change in information and cultural beliefs over a century or more that brought changing values. My collection is primarily of “Lifestyle Books” produced from 1880 to 1920. These are written by authors who are self-taught and consider themselves to be the highest authority on all matters.



Jim Parton

Retired Teacher and Funeral Celebrant. The gay and married dad of three grown children. I have always been fascinated by the human condition. Come read with me.