Real Faith Is What Chronic Relapsers Need To Recover

It’s not about knowing more, its about trusting the unkown

Darren James


Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

After another series of painful relapses, I went to see my sponsor to work out where I was going wrong with my recovery.

Before we started any work, my sponsor questioned me on my actions that led up to my last relapse.

‘Did you attend last week’s meeting? Did you make your amend?’ he inquired.

I nodded enthusiastically to both.

‘Did you have a resentment? Or were you hungry, angry, lonely or tired (H.A.L.T.)?’

I nodded, head lowered to all of them.

‘Well, there you go,’ he smiled.

Afterwards, convinced I knew where I had gone wrong, I left his house and went to work.

The following week, I made peace with my resentment, attended meetings, did service, ate well, slept soundly, spent time with family and stayed at a friend’s house in the country.

When I came back home on Sunday evening, I promptly relapsed later that night.

The Mind’s Vanity

“The mind’s very nature is to convince us that its unique view of experience is the genuine article.” ~ Dr David R Hawkins, Power vs…



Darren James

A different angle on addiction & recovery. Get my free guide: How to Recognise The Warning Signs of Impending Relapse.