Recalibrating After A Breakup: 3 Things To Keep In Mind

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2024


Photograph by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

A mistake when pursing any sort of growth is assuming that the path will be smooth. Life just isn’t that simple. It’s filled with ups and downs and is inherently unpredictable. Even when we think we have it all figured out, it only takes one event to cause disruption.

Like these past couple of weeks, when my romantic relationship broke down.

I’ve never found breakups easy, in fact, they’ve historically been catalysts for mental spirals that take me months to get over, impacting all areas of my life until I’ve been pushed so far down a hill that I have a mountain to climb back up.

I wanted this time to be different, however, as I’ve learned time doesn’t wait for us — even when we’d like it to stop completely.

This isn’t to say I’m brushing my breakup off as if it was nothing. I am not. But I’m committed to working with my setback and moving forward, rather than letting it pull me down.

With that in mind, I wanted to talk about recalibration today and what steps I’ve been taking to ensure I’m moving through this difficult time without allowing it to wreak havoc in my life.

I hope some of these points can help you through any difficulties you are facing right now.

1. Go To, And Feel Your…

