
Zcynel Nathan Ferido
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2020

Short story about fetishes and childhood friends

Image by Victoria_Borodinova from

Austin, my midget friend, offered me a cigarette. I grabbed it with my thumb and index finger, sucked the filter like a straw. I also swallowed. That was followed by thirty seconds of hysterical coughing and finally burping out a small cloud of smoke.

“Shit,” I gagged.

“At least you’re not a pussy,” said Austin.

“I’m not a pussy.”

“Yeah, like I said.”

I gave it back to him and he finished it. “So I was in class one time and Ms. Trinidad was sitting on her table. You know how her legs are. Long, smooth, white.”

“Yeah they’re pretty nice.” I said.

“Look, I’m really small. I see legs all the time. I think I’m addicted.”

Austin lit another one. He puffed out a smoke ring that disappeared into the street.

“So she was reading a story or something and, of course, her legs were under the table. Fuck, they were so good. Plump, soft, white. I guess she got tired crossing one leg over the other. So she sat just like how a boy would sit. She probably thought we couldn’t see them.”

“But you did?” I asked.

“Yes, Nate, I did. I saw her panties. Red. That day it was red. Best thing I’ve ever seen.”

“I wish I could see her panties.”

Nobody else talked about Ms. Trinidad like that. I liked Austin and somehow I caught his fascination with good legs. We would cut class and smoke and talk several more times. I never saw him again after sixth grade. I miss Austin.

Thank you for your time, beautiful reader. If you enjoyed this, please follow me for more short fiction and check out my other stories!



Zcynel Nathan Ferido

I tell stories that inspire. Creative non-fiction. Fiction. Essays.