Redefining Focus: My Journey with ADHD and the Power of Diet and Exercise

Published in
5 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo Credits: Photo by Zakaria Boumliha on

Life at 29 hits differently when the letters ‘ADHD’ enters your story. For those who have been following my stories, on my ADHD discovery journey I wanna say thank you wholeheartedly. The comments of encouragements and claps to my story signals support and belongingness; for that I am extremely grateful.

For my new readers; Being recently diagnosed with ADHD, I found myself holding a puzzle box I’ve been unwittingly assembling all my life. I’m inviting you on my journey, not just to bear witness but to find solidarity and maybe even inspiration in this kaleidoscope of neurodiversity.

Adjusting my lifestyle post-diagnosis has been like trying to calm a storm in my brain… Yup! It’s not about silencing the thunder or dimming the lightning; it’s about learning to dance in the rain, and I’ve been trying to use diet and exercise as my rhythm.

The Fuel We Choose

Diet for someone with ADHD isn’t about restrictions; it’s about empowerment. I’ve recently waved goodbye to sugar highs that sent my concentration into spirals. Slowly, I’ve been introducing a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and complex carbohydrates — allies in my quest for equilibrium. Will this be consistent?! Knowing me and how inconsistent I can be, maybe not! But




Dem'preneur: E-commerce & blogging hub by a vibrant ADHD Jamaican male. Weaving creativity & hustle into every project. Join our journey to success!