Redefining Reality

Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2024

Reality! It’s often confusing so as to what it is. What is reality? Reality refers to the state of things as they actually exist as opposed to that which is imaginary or nonexistent.

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

Accept Reality!

Let’s set this aside for a moment. Have you ever heard people saying accept reality? Reality is different, reality hits hard, or true peace lies in accepting reality! I have heard all this and felt it’s true especially whenever I fail, I can 100% relate to this. But even if I taste the slightest joy of my thinnest victory, I don’t buy any of these. If you dig a bit, you can find these words usually comes from a person who have witnessed failure or rejection continuously or from a person who is afraid to fail or get rejected.

When people try something and fail continuously, that’s when they are programmed to believe that they can do it no matter how hard they try. They believe that it’s undoable and they will only lose their peace in the attempt, and that’s where the idea of “Accept reality” comes to place because they think they can’t do it and it is fixed.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Is reality fixed?

If it’s fixed, then it implies that our lives are predetermined, which contradicts the idea of free will. The “accept reality” idea indirectly relates that our lives are predetermined, doesn’t it? let’s not go into freewill vs fate. It will take an eternity. But if you think your life is predetermined, and is supposed to go in a manner, try making a small change. If you are fated to eat eggs on Friday night, eat it in the morning. If you are laughing at this, then deep down inside, you know life is not predetermined. If you think that you making a change is also predetermined, then bro… This is not for you. You made peace with your life!

Are people really peaceful when they accept reality?

When people say, “I’m peaceful now ever since I accepted reality”. Are they really living their life in peace or they are just happy that they don’t have to fail or face rejection anymore? People tend to not be doing anything at all than give their all out trying just to fail. Not failing itself seems a big victory and does accepting reality brings peace. When you try to build a bigger dam and fail a thousand times, you quit the process and accept reality, and then you might be peaceful. In other words, the fear of losing one more time is deadlier than having no dam at all. All your peace will turn into regret during the flood and come back to peace when it becomes normal again. Is this the peace we really want?

Purpose of writing this.

Photo by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

Reality is something that is real and just. Something that exists. What exists now did not exist a thousand years ago and what existed back then doesn’t exist now. Humans are evolving and so is the reality. Reality is what you think it is. Give life to your vision and make it a reality rather than sitting idle. Reality is not an excuse for laziness, it’s the exact opposite. It’s about giving life to something and not an excuse to use when you want.

Remember “Reality is not something you accept, it’s something you make”.

