Reducing Cancer Risk: Avoiding Common Carcinogens in Everyday Life

Eddy Tang
Published in
8 min readJul 10, 2023


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Cancer, one of the most devastating diseases which have plagued humanity for ages, continues to be one of modern society’s greatest villains today. With the combination of cancer’s intricate nature and its ability to force organisms to self-implode, it remains one of the most lethal and deadliest diseases of all time. Even with the addition of great technological advancements and innovative approaches in the battle against this disease, no effective cure has yet been discovered. In the year 2020 alone, over 10 million people across the world lost their lives in the fight against cancer; this horrifying disease was responsible for approximately 1 in 6 deaths worldwide. The future is truly unpredictable and you may potentially even be the next victim. In fact, 50% of men and 33% of women will be diagnosed with cancer at least once in their lifetime. However, you can prevent this unfortunate destiny by taking control of factors that we as humans can take control of. By avoiding carcinogens, substances capable of causing cancer, we can reduce the likelihood of developing this catastrophic disease, so we can live long and healthy lives. In this article, I will be sharing common carcinogens we can easily avoid in our everyday lives in order to stay safe from cancer.


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To provide context for later parts of this article, cancer is a disease caused by the random mutations of DNA. When referring to the inability to repair cellular DNA and damaged genetic material, I am talking about how each substance results in the activation of cancer. Now, please enjoy the rest of this article.

1, Cigarettes

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A small piece of advice to all people. If you smoke cigarettes regularly, stop smoking. If you smoke cigarettes occasionally, stop smoking. If you haven’t started smoking, then don’t start. By simply following this rule of thumb, you can substantially reduce the chances of developing 12 different types of cancers. When you smoke cigarettes, you inhale fumes of tobacco smoke, a substance created by chemically infusing more than 7000 chemicals. Out of these numerous chemicals, over 69 of them are known to be cancer causing toxins such as carbon monoxide (car exhaust), arsenic (used in rat poison), tar (used to create roads), lead (found in batteries), and many other harmful substances. Furthermore, even exposure to second-hand smoke could be dangerous. Try to make an effort to avoid inhaling cigarette smoke by any means possible. The accumulation of these unsafe chemicals in your body can lead to the mutation of cellular DNA and the inability for your cells to repair damaged DNA. Ultimately, leading to the development of cancer.

2, Overexposure to Sunlight

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Although there are numerous benefits to exposing your body to sunlight, spending excessive time in harsh sunny conditions can lead to the development of skin cancer. This is because sunlight contains a very powerful electromagnetic wave called ultraviolet rays, a form of energy which can travel through radiation. When our body comes in contact with sunlight, ultraviolet light rays can deeply penetrate our layers of skin and be absorbed by DNA molecules. The absorption of ultraviolet photons by the DNA causes covalent bonds to form between adjacent pyrimidine bases, disrupting the structure pyrimidine dimer formation, leading to cancerous mutations of the skin’s genetic material. In order to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, be sure to wear protective sunscreen with a sun protective factor of around 50. The layer of sunscreen will help reflect and scatter ultraviolet rays off the skin instead of absorbing it directly. To minimize your exposure to excessive sunlight, it is recommended to remain indoors between 10 AM and 4 PM during the spring and summer months when ultraviolet rays are at their peak. Being aware of your sun exposure and making informed choices about when and how long you spend in the sun can significantly reduce the risk of skin cancer. It is essential to prioritize your well-being by taking appropriate precautions and making conscious decisions about sun exposure.

3, Alcohol Consumption

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In our modern society today, alcohol is one of the prime staples holding together the social dynamic in various countries across the globe. In many widely occurring social events, alcoholic beverages are almost certain to be present no matter the occasion. It isn’t truly a celebration without the drinks as many would phrase it. Although, drinking once in a while may seem like just a harmless practice, we must remember that alcohol is also a very addictive drug. What may start off as just a little bit of fun can turn into a crippling addiction in no time. The enhanced risk of developing mouth, throat, head, neck, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and voice box cancers has been linked to the abuse of alcohol. In the year 2020, 4% of all cancer diagnoses (750 000 cases) were induced solely by the consumption of alcohol. When alcohol enters our body’s system, we are forced to break it down into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance when built up over time can disrupt cellular DNA, triggering the activation of cancer. Additionally, the breakdown of alcohol may also result in the production of free radicals, molecules which can damage genetic material within cells, once again leading to the development of cancer. Through merely quitting or reducing the amount of alcohol you intake, you can decrease your chances of acquiring cancers as well as avoiding the negative side effects of alcoholism. The overwhelming health benefits largely outweighs the short stints of pleasure drinking generates.

4, Red and Processed Meats

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It is common knowledge that meats are truly essential to establishing a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. But, one thing that not everyone knows is that red and processed meats can also serve as carcinogenic materials. Extensive research has revealed that there are special types of naturally occurring and additive chemicals existing in these meats which break down into n-nistro when digested. These chemicals are known to be damaging towards the genetic material within cells surrounding the bowel — provoking bowel cancer. Hence, why it is recommended to only consume a single serving of red meats (beef, pork, lamb, veal, venison, goat) a day and remove processed meats (bacon, ham, bologna, sausages, salami, pepperoni) from your diet all together. Some examples of red meat alternatives with relative nutritional value you could add to balance out your diet are eggs, poultry, nuts, tofu, chickpeas, and fish. On a broader perspective, it is highly advised to completely eliminate processed foods from your diet and instead opt for natural whole foods. Many processed food items contain synthetic chemicals that can be detrimental to your well-being, similar to the additives found in processed meats. Overall, just be mindful about your everyday diet because there are a lot of chemicals we are unknowingly ingesting which can potentially lead to our demise.

5, Pesticides

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For those who may not be aware of what pesticides are, they are a group of chemicals which are used to kill or control insects, plants, animals, or any other pests which are considered to be nuisances. Frequently, farmers will use pesticides on their crops to assure they grow steadily and healthily without the disturbance of preying insects or pests. Research has shown evidence that prolonged exposures to pesticides in the workplace may lead to the development of many types of cancer. According to a study with over 30000 female spouses of pesticide applicators, increased exposure to organophosphates (a chemical in pesticides) were attached to a substantial increase for hormone-related cancers such as breast, thyroid, and ovarian cancer. In addition, other studies have revealed pesticide exposures to be linked to an increased risk of prostate, lung, and liver cancer. However, we must remind ourselves that the exposure to pesticides is not limited to just farmers but the entire public population. Whenever we buy produce from our local supermarket, there is a high chance that pesticide residuals still remain. It is important that we always clean our foods to limit our exposure to these harmful chemicals as much as possible. Some effective methods to eliminate this risk are by letting your fruits and vegetables sit in salt water or vinegar water for a couple minutes, rinsing produce multiple times, and by peeling the skin of produce when possible. Besides these methods, another popular way people use to reduce their risk of pesticide exposure is by buying only organic produce, but it is quite costly and not accessible to everyone. Be sure to do your research on how your produce is actually produced and how to combat the risks of overexposing your body to hazardous pesticides.

6, Aspartame

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In 2023, the World Health Organization has officially declared that aspartame, a low-calorie sweetener, is in fact a carcinogen. You may have heard of the high-selling sugar-free and diet version of certain products which are marketed as a healthier alternative, but these statements are just hoaxes. Big companies are replacing sugar with even worse artificial chemicals, misleading many customers to consume carcinogenic materials. Scientists have conducted an experiment revolving aspartame, feeding high-doses of these artificial sweeteners to rats. The results proved that the rats involved in the test were at higher risk of developing brain cancers as well as many other types. Expanding on this issue, a large research assessment was conducted in France of 2022, including over 100 000 people who were considered heavy users of aspartame. This case resulted in the discovery of possible small increases of cancer development linked to the usage of these artificial sweeteners. Don’t fall for this unethical marketing scheme and stay away from consuming these harmful chemicals.

Key Takeaways

Photo by Nelly Antoniadou on Unsplash

In the end, the battle against cancer requires a multi-faceted approach that involves medical advancements, early detection, and lifestyle choices. While there is still much to be discovered in terms of finding a cure, we have the power to reduce our risk of developing cancer by avoiding common carcinogens in our everyday lives. By doing so, we can slowly work towards building a society free of cancer through spreading awareness and educating more and more people on the dangers of carcinogens. I hoped you learned something from this article today. Thank you for reading this article.


