Reevaluating Biden’s Strategy: The Israel-Hamas Conflict and Voter Sentiment in 2024

A Personal Journey from Support to Disappointment Amid Growing Public Dissent

Iftekar Shoeb
8 min readFeb 24, 2024


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When Joe Biden was running for president, I was among the many who believed in his vision for America. I supported him with hope for a future where diplomacy and understanding would guide our nation’s actions on the global stage.

However, as the Israel-Hamas conflict continues to unfold, my initial optimism has turned into concern and disappointment. Recent findings from a CBS News poll have shed light on a troubling reality: a significant majority of Americans are dissatisfied with how President Biden is handling the situation.

This widespread disapproval underscores a growing disconnect between the administration’s actions and the expectations of its constituents, including myself.

Americans’ Discontent with Biden’s Approach

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The CBS News poll reveals a stark reality: a majority of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict, signaling a troubling absence of progress toward peace.

This sentiment isn’t just a ripple across the political spectrum; it’s a wave of concern that spans across the Democratic Party itself, indicating deepening divisions not only among party lines but also between different generations.

Particularly telling is the growing unrest within the ranks of Democrats, where over a third now believe Biden’s support for Israel is excessive, marking a significant shift in opinion since October.

Even more poignant are the concerns raised regarding Biden’s response to pro-Palestinian protests within the United States. The American public, it seems, leans towards a desire for neutrality from their President in such matters.

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Yet, there’s a notable divide: Republicans predominantly seek condemnation of these protests, whereas a fraction of Democrats yearn for outright support.

This nuanced landscape of opinions paints a complex picture of a nation divided not just by political allegiance but by differing visions of justice and diplomacy.

The spotlight on these specific concerns — stemming from Biden’s stance on international conflicts to his reaction to domestic expressions of solidarity — highlights a broader disillusionment.

As someone who once championed Biden’s candidacy, witnessing this growing dissonance between his actions and the expectations of many Americans, including myself, has been disheartening.

The realization that our leader’s decisions might not always align with the path to peace we envisioned is a sobering reflection on the challenges of governance and the diverse hopes of a nation’s people.

Personal Reflections on Supporting Biden

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Looking back at the moment I cast my vote for Joe Biden, my heart was full of hope and my mind was convinced that we were on the brink of witnessing a transformative era in American politics.

I imagined a presidency under Biden that would embody the ideals of unity, empathy, and global peace — a sharp contrast to the divisiveness and turmoil that seemed all too common.

Yet, as the days turn into months, I find myself grappling with a growing sense of regret.

My expectations were high, perhaps too high. I envisioned a leader who would navigate the complex geopolitical landscape with a steady hand, championing diplomacy over discord.

The Israel-Hamas conflict, however, has been a litmus test for Biden’s presidency, one that, in my view, has revealed shortcomings in his approach to international crises.

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The lack of progress towards peace, the perceived imbalance in support, and the tepid response to pro-Palestinian sentiments have all contributed to a gnawing disappointment.

This emotional journey from support to disappointment is not just about policy disagreements. It’s deeply personal. It’s about the hope for a better world and the belief in a leader’s ability to bring about that change.

To witness these hopes not fully realized is disheartening, leaving me to ponder the complexities of leadership and the weight of the decisions made at the helm of our nation.

As I reflect on my support for Biden, it’s with a heavy heart that I acknowledge the gap between the aspirations I held and the reality that unfolds before us.

The Impact of Biden’s Stance on Public Opinion

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

President Biden’s approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict starkly contrasts with the expectations many Americans, including myself, had harbored. We anticipated a presidency that would lean towards diplomacy and peace, fostering an environment where dialogue and understanding take precedence over conflict.

However, the unfolding reality has been quite different, highlighting a disconnect between the administration’s actions and the public’s hopes.

The CBS News poll sheds light on this divide, revealing a clear preference among Americans for a more neutral stance, particularly in response to domestic protests related to the conflict.

This preference underscores a collective desire for balance and fairness in addressing such complex issues, a sentiment that seems at odds with the perceived partiality of the current administration.

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

The poll also illuminates a significant portion of the population that would rather see these protests condemned than supported, further complicating the landscape of public opinion.

Despite this disapproval of his handling of the conflict, Biden’s overall approval rating remains relatively steady. This paradox is intriguing, suggesting that while Americans are critical of specific actions or inactions, they may still hold a broader sense of loyalty or approval for the president based on other aspects of his presidency.

It’s a complex picture of a nation grappling with its expectations of leadership versus the practical challenges of governance.

As someone who once looked to Biden as a beacon of hope, witnessing the impact of his stance on public opinion is disheartening. It’s a reminder that the journey toward peace and consensus is fraught with obstacles and that the path a leader chooses can significantly influence the nation’s collective psyche.

This divergence between Biden’s actions and the public’s expectations is a critical reflection point for both the administration and its constituents, as it calls into question the very ideals we aspire to uphold.

The Bigger Picture: Other Major Concerns for Americans

While the Israel-Hamas conflict has certainly stirred significant debate and concern, it’s important to remember that it’s just one of several critical issues facing Americans today.

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Inflation, democracy, and gun violence are among the other significant challenges that loom large in the minds of many across the country.

Inflation has been a pressing concern, eroding the purchasing power of average Americans and contributing to a sense of economic instability. This issue hits close to home for many, affecting daily decisions about spending, saving, and planning for the future.

Similarly, the state of democracy in the United States has become a focal point of national discourse. Questions around election integrity, voter rights, and the overall health of the democratic process have prompted widespread debate and concern, highlighting the foundational importance of democracy to American identity.

Photo by David Todd McCarty on Unsplash

Gun violence, with its tragic regularity, continues to spark outrage and calls for reform. Each incident underscores the urgency of addressing this epidemic, which threatens the safety and security of communities across the nation.

These concerns, in their immediacy and impact on daily life, can sometimes overshadow international issues like the Israel-Hamas conflict in the minds of Americans.

While the conflict is undoubtedly important and has broad implications for U.S. foreign policy and global stability, domestic issues often take precedence in the public consciousness because of their direct effect on individuals’ lives.

This prioritization does not diminish the significance of the conflict or the need for a thoughtful and effective U.S. response. Instead, it reflects the multifaceted nature of the challenges facing the country, each demanding attention and action.

As we navigate these issues, the ability to balance domestic priorities with international responsibilities remains a key test for any administration.


The essence of leadership lies in its ability to resonate with the values and expectations of the people it serves. The disconnect between President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict and the American public’s expectations highlights a broader need for leadership that not only understands but also aligns with the collective will of its citizens.

This recent period of reflection has underscored the critical importance of a balanced, peace-focused approach to international conflicts, one that seeks to bridge divides rather than deepen them.

As we move forward, the call for leadership that embodies these principles becomes ever more urgent. The challenges we face, both domestically and on the global stage, require a nuanced understanding and a commitment to the ideals of diplomacy, fairness, and peace.

It is through such leadership that we can hope to navigate these turbulent times, addressing the immediate concerns of Americans while also laying the groundwork for a more stable, peaceful world.

In this moment of introspection, let us hold onto the hope that future leadership will heed the lessons of today, making decisions that reflect the will and aspirations of the people.

May the voices calling for change inspire a new direction, one where the complexities of global conflicts are met with wisdom and a steadfast commitment to peace.

As we look to the horizon, let us remain hopeful for a future where our leaders mirror the best of our values, working tirelessly to create a world marked by understanding, justice, and harmony.

References and Credits

This reflection and discussion have been greatly informed by the insightful findings from the CBS News/YouGov survey.

The data provided by this comprehensive poll has served as the statistical foundation for our exploration of American public opinion on President Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

It’s through such detailed and meticulously gathered information that we can better understand the nuanced perspectives and diverse sentiments of the American populace.

I encourage all readers to delve deeper into this topic and others like it by seeking out reputable sources and engaging in ongoing dialogue.

The complexities of these issues cannot be overstated, and it is only through informed discussion and open exchange of ideas that we can hope to grasp the full scope of the challenges and opportunities that lie before us.

In an era where information is more accessible than ever, let us commit to being discerning readers, critical thinkers, and active participants in the democratic process.

Whether it’s through further research, discussions with peers, or engagement with community and political leaders, every effort counts towards building a more informed, empathetic, and united society.

To those who have contributed to the gathering and analysis of the data that inform our discussions, like the teams at CBS News and YouGov, our gratitude is immense.

Your work provides the empirical basis that enriches our understanding and fuels our conversations, playing a vital role in the democratic discourse that shapes our world.

Let us move forward with the resolve to seek out truth, foster understanding, and advocate for leadership that reflects our highest ideals and collective will.



Iftekar Shoeb

Iftekar M Shoeb, Owner of SAAN TRADING INC. Houston, Texas, USA.