Reflections at Dawn

Verses of Thought

Nedelcu Alina
2 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

In the delicate quiet of sunrise’s most memorable breath,
Where night’s hug yields delicately to the day,
An orchestra of light, from domains of death,
Stirs contemplations in the quiet, brilliant cluster.

Underneath the overhang of waking skies,
Where tones drain in delicate, clear shades,
The repercussions of the past in shadows lie,
While morning murmurs dreams in brilliant blues.

Upon the embroidered artwork of day break’s hug,
A bunch of reflections intertwine,
Each string an idea, a second to follow,
A quiet commitment morning’s light can leave.

The dew-kissed petals, delicate in their effortlessness,
Hold mysteries of the night they currently embellish,
A transient stunner time can’t be eradicated
However, blurs into the radiance of the coming morning.

The quiet breeze that mixes the old trees,
Conveys the fragrance of recollections long past,
Each stirring leaf, a story on the breeze,
A short-lived murmur, fragile yet immense.

In morning’s delicate sparkle, the world is still,
Each shadow extending long underneath the sun,
The earth, in calm worship, satisfies
An immortal dance where night and day are one.

Contemplations rise like fog from valleys profound and wide,
Fleeting yet wealthy in unfathomable profundity,
In first light’s delicate support, where our fantasies live,
Alert, yet contacted around evening time’s getting through breath.

Reflections disperse in the developing light,
Every one a crystal of the brain’s specialty,
Where shadows blur and converge with brilliant colors,
Uncovering bits of insight inside the waking heart.

However, as the sun climbs in brilliant cclusters
The sensitive cloak of daybreak starts to wind down,
Contemplations, similar to the fog, scatter and float away,
Leaving a quietness, sober and sweet, yet plain.

In this short hour, where night meets the rising sun,
A holy space where dreams and considerations weave,
We glimpse the tremendous, the numerous, and the one,
A temporary second, limitless, divine.

Thus, at daybreak, when light and shadow play,
Where considerations are reflected in the first part of the day’s breath,
We track down impressions of the temporary day,
Also, glimpse the immortal, even with death.

Reflections at daybreak, an ensemble so intriguing,
In each thought, a universe unfurls,
In each beam, a bit of paradise’s consideration,
In each shadow, astuteness is profound and old.

In this way, as the day starts its consecrated tune,
Allow each thought, such as morning to light, rise,
For in these sections, quiet, profound, and long,
Lie every one of the insights our waking hearts guard.

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