
Perfection, I cannot have.

1 min readSep 13, 2023


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

In the rearview of my years, a journey unfolds where every thread tells a tale of wanderlust and adventure.

Many paths I’ve taken,

Many sights I did see,

Yet in the realm of love, there exists an empty corner.

Once, a schoolyard love,

naive and so slight,

Feelings we call love, not quite taking flight.

Rare it is for my heart to beat off course…

But with you,

It does…


A beacon of beauty, grace, and style.

with your captivating essence, has breached the void.

Educated, charming, making every moment worthwhile.

With you, the chaos fades, replaced by serenity I’ve yearned for.

Even in tumultuous times, your voice becomes my sanctuary.

Talking to you is my refuge, a balm for the soul.

You’re perfection to me, shining so bright.

Yet . . .

In this closeness, there lies a chasm.

In your heart, I sense another’s echo.

The threads of love aren’t mine to hold.

Perhaps it’s the universe’s design.

A twist of fate that I find my ideal in you,

Yet remain deprived of the affection I crave.

The irony isn’t lost on me.

That the one who feels so right remains just out of reach.

A poignant regret, in my story, retold.




I am a researcher and engineer by profession. However, sometimes, I write poems and my personal opinion about how I see the world.