Regular is boring: expand your boundaries

Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2023

Embrace the extraordinary by expanding your skills, thinking, fitness, and relationships. Learn, evolve, and discover new possibilities.

food cools faster at the edges than that in the center, image by the author

Life is a journey of growth and exploration. Regular is boring, one always needs to push the boundaries. You don’t really need to break the fence but slightly pushing your limits all the time can significantly expand your work/skill zone. When we were kids, we were taught to eat food from the edges of the plate, because the food cools faster at the edges than that in the center.

There is always something you can add to your current skill set, thinking, physical fitness, and relationships. By venturing outside our comfort zones, we can find new challenges and opportunities for learning. One can move from reading to writing, reels to Youtube, walking to jogging, and friends to best friends and mentors.

I work as a scientific editor. Though my expertise is largely in molecular biology (I have a Ph.D.), pharmacy (college degree), agriculture (curiosity and traditional occupation), and food (I had a failed food tech startup). This year, I fixed four case reports from surgery. The one I fixed today was about tumor removal from the eye. The experience of editing these manuscripts is orgasmic.

Jim Rohn said: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” This simple yet profound statement tells us that continuous learning is key to success. By expanding our skill set, we can speedily adapt to new possibilities.

Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of the Japanese martial art Aikido, believed that If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.

I would love to know what new things you are learning! If there is any way I can help, don’t hesitate to reach out. And if you think this writing could benefit someone else, feel free to share it with them.



