Rehman Unified Mass Quantum Dynamics Theory

Rehman Ghaffar
Published in
11 min readMar 12, 2024
Frank Cone

A basic understanding of the many natural states of matter is necessary for grasping this theoretical framework.

At its most fundamental level, the universe classifies matter as either solid, liquid, gas, or plasma.

Out of many, Neutron degenerate matter and Bose-Einstein condensate are two more states that are thought to be unique to very dense or very cold settings.
We will also go into deeper depth into the quantum mechanical aspects of temperature, its influence on particle behavior, and its relationship to understanding the characteristics of matter and thus the effect of mass.


Solids are states of matter that have a defined volume and shape. A solid’s structure is stable because of the tightly packed, fixed arrangement of its constituent particles. They vibrate, but generally do not move from their positions. Solids are highly ordered structurally, and they can keep their shape because of their rigidity. Ice, wood, and metals are a few examples of solids.


Although they do not have a set shape, liquids have a definite volume. Liquids flow and adopt the shape of their container because the particles in them are close to one another but can also pass through one another. Particles in liquids move more freely than in solids and have less structural order. Liquids include things like mercury, oil, and water, etc.


Gases lack both a definite volume and a definite shape. A gas’s particles are widely dispersed, move quickly, and occupy all of the available space. Because of their high compressibility, gases behave according to laws like Boyle’s Law and Charles’s Law. Examples of gases are air, oxygen, helium, etc.


Gas ionization produces plasma, the fourth phase of matter consisting of neutral or positively charged ions and unbound electrons. Plasma analysis is essential for comprehending nuclear fusion reactions. Plasma is normally found at very high temperatures, such as in the core of stars. The fusion process is responsible for the production of all different forms of atoms through the process in which atomic nuclei join together to form heavier elements. Plasmas also occur naturally in stars like the sun and in lightning. Astrophysics relies on a knowledge of plasma to explain the building blocks of the universe and shed light on these basic processes.

There are a few other states of matter:

Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC):

Bosonic particles (like atoms) exhibit superfluidity and other unusual quantum phenomena when trapped in a single quantum state at very high temperatures. Bose Einstein substance condenses at very low temperatures (-273.15 degrees Celsius).In 1995, the BEC that Bose and Einstein had predicted finally came to realization experimentally, shedding light on wave-particle duality and quantum physics.

Neutron Degenerate Matter:

Supernova remnants containing neutron degenerate materials make up the ultra-dense cores of neutron stars. In this extremely compressed state, protons and electrons combine to form neutrons. The Pauli exclusion principle prevents two identical neutrons from being in the same quantum state, which is one of the distinctive features of neutron degenerate matter. Another characteristic is that it is resistant to additional compression.


Let us examine the quantum level mechanics of temperature, its effects on particles and their behavior, and its relationship to the properties of matter:

Temperature at the Quantum Level:

When working at the quantum level, the relationship between temperature, particle motion, and energy is quite close. The concept of temperature arises from the statistical behaviour of a large number of particles in a system. An essential component of classical physics is the connection between temperature and the average kinetic energy of moving particles. However, quantum particles display both wave-like and particle-like behaviors due to their quantized energies.

Quantum Vibrations:

Because of the presence of thermal energy, particles in solids are always moving. Particles get kinetic energy via an increased vibratory rate as the temperature rises. The quantization of this vibrational motion indicates that it happens at distinct energy levels (due to the matter built from different atoms). Particles’ vibrational states add to the system’s temperature, and quantization of energy levels is an essential aspect of quantum mechanics.

Particle Confined Spaces and States of Matter:

Particles’ quantized vibrations enable solids to keep their structure intact. As a function of temperature, the particles vibrate more or less violently about their equilibrium positions. The particles’ vibrating amplitude rises with increasing temperature, which could cause the material’s state to shift from solid to liquid or gas.

Gases and Expansion:

In contrast, gases consist of particles with high kinetic energy that allows them to overcome attractive forces and move freely. At higher temperatures, gas particles have increased kinetic energy, leading to more vigorous motion and greater separation between particles. This increased motion allows gases to expand and fill the available space, illustrating the connection between temperature and the behavior of gases.

Temperature as an Indicator of Energy:

An object’s temperature is related to its average kinetic energy. The average energy of its particles increases as the temperature rises. In quantum terms, this translates to increased quantum states and more energetic particle behavior.

Understanding the quantum aspects of temperature helps us understand how energy, motion, and the behavior of matter interact in complex ways. This includes things like the unique properties of different states of matter and how particles behave at very low temperatures in Bose-Einstein condensates.


My hypothesis is that larger matter has a greater gravitational effect because of the cumulative effect of more atoms and the type of atom or atoms the matter is made up of, and its mass is only an illusion and a result of gravity and movement.

Submicroscopic particles, called atoms, make up the matter that surrounds us. The reason atoms are drawn to one another is because they possess the force of gravity at a quantum level as well. The gravitational effect of a single atom, however, has very little effect on matter as a whole due to the small size of atoms. Because of this, gravity has a greater overall effect on the accumulation of matter in atoms, leading to the phenomenon we call mass.

To put it simply, different matter has different atoms and, consequently, different properties. Because of this, the mass and gravitational pull of all matter vary.

Therefore, the gravitational effects that an object experiences is relative in this framework since they rely on the distribution of matter surrounding the object. The idea that gravity is cumulative and that the impact of surrounding celestial bodies would be greater on larger objects is consistent with the idea that larger matter—that is, matter with more atoms — has a greater gravitational impact.

It is important to note that not all matters are the same and that they are very diverse. For example, on earth alone, we have discovered 118 elements, both natural and man-made, all of which are different atoms.

In nature, there are about 92 different types of atoms, including hydrogen, oxygen, iron, gold, etc. That is, atoms of gold make up gold, and atoms of iron make up iron. Molecules, or fixed combinations of atoms, that make up other substances.

According to conventional physics, mass is an intrinsic property, and gravity is the result of the curvature of spacetime that mass and energy cause.

In my continued explanation of this theoretical framework, I’ve come across another finding that I have published in the theory earlier, titled, “Rehmans’ Gravitational momentum theory” it suggests the gravity of celestial bodies and planets arises from their spin on their own axis, specifically their angular velocity momentum. Take Earth as an example, rotating at a moderate angular velocity of 7.2921159 × 10−5 radians/second. According to this viewpoint, gravity’s effect is a consequence of this rotational motion.

However, I have observed a strange phenomenon, when objects in space spin, they seem to attract the gravitational effect inwards, whereas on a planet like Earth, when something spins, the force is directed outwards rather than inwards. This apparent contradiction could be attributed to the interplay of centrifugal and centripetal forces. In the context of the surface of the planet, the outward force caused by rotation counteracts gravity, creating an apparent push away from the axis. In space, where there might not be a significant counteracting force, the gravitational effect appears to draw objects inward. This interpretation offers a distinctive take on the relationship between rotation and gravity, suggesting that the observed effects depend on the specific context and forces at play (the angular momentum effect of any planet or star in space, is effected by its distance from the host star or the distance from the center core of the galaxy, and the gravitational impact of other nearby celestial bodies). The apparent contradiction in the behavior of spinning bodies in space versus those on a planet is rooted in the interaction between centrifugal and centripetal forces, which are intimately connected to a celestial body’s rotation.

When an object in space, like a celestial body, spins, the dominant force at play is gravity, as a result pulling objects toward the center of their mass/core. Other forces in the vacuum of space do not significantly counteract this inward gravitational force (unless they are close to a massive star, a black hole, or to the center of the galaxy core. Therefore, the effect is an inward attraction, as objects are drawn towards the center due to the celestial body’s gravitational pull.


Now, when we consider a planet like Earth, the rotation on the surface of the planet introduces additional factors. One way to quantify the average kinetic energy of particles in a system is by measuring its temperature. Particles have a higher average energy when the temperature is higher.

On the surface of Earth, this interplay of forces results in the perception of a net force pushing away from the axis of rotation. It’s crucial to note that the gravitational force is still present and directed towards the center of the planet, but the centrifugal force introduces a counteracting effect. This outward push from rotation, this phenomenon is most noticeable at the equator of Earth (it is 9.780 m/s² compared to the original gravity of 9.807 m/s²), where the rotational speed is highest.

In summary, the perceived contradiction arises from the combination of gravitational forces pulling inward and centrifugal forces pushing outward due to rotation. In space, where other counteracting forces are minimal and when the angular velocity of the planet is moderate enough, gravity dominates and objects are drawn inward.

Cyclones, whether on land or in the ocean, exhibit an inward-spiraling motion due to a different set of dynamics compared to the general rotation of the Earth. Atmospheric low-pressure formations and fluid dynamics are the primary causes of the occurrence. As a consequence of the Earth’s rotation, tropical cyclones and hurricanes over the ocean undergo an inward-spiraling motion known as the Coriolis effect.


The Coriolis effect pushes airflow toward the storm’s low-pressure core ( the eye of the hurricane ) in a right direction in the Northern Hemisphere and a left direction in the Southern Hemisphere. Because of this deflection, the air moves about the center in opposite directions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. As a consequence, an inward spiraling motion is produced towards the center of low pressure.

However, land cyclones and tornadoes may also spiral inward. When thunderstorms are really severe, these things often happen because of the mechanics of the storm. A tornado develops when a thunderstorm’s updraft spins a column of air. A tornado’s low-pressure core draws air inward, toward its center of spin.

In both cases, whether over the ocean or on land, the inward-spiraling motion is a consequence of the interplay between low-pressure systems, the Coriolis effect, and the dynamics of the storm or tornado. This behavior is distinct from the general rotation of the Earth, and it highlights the complexity of atmospheric and fluid dynamics in shaping weather phenomena.

The effect of mass is relative and has no accurate universal measure because it is the result of the impact of gravity of any given matter on any given celestial body, so it varies on each planet. For example, what weighs some specific measure will weigh differently on other planets. For example, the weight of all matter is different on the moon and Mars and the rovers sent on Mars weigh differently and quite less compared to earth due to Mars’ lower gravity of only 3.71 m/s². Hence, it proves that there is no universal measure of any specific matter, and it varies depending on different conditions and its location in the universe.

This theory can be defined by the equation:

my equation

M = ∑_{i=1}^{N} m_i + k * T + (ω² * R³) / G

  1. Atoms and Cumulative Mass ( {i=1}^{N} m_i ):
    The first term represents the cumulative mass of all atoms in the system, denoted by ({i=1}^{N} m_i ). This term acknowledges the foundational principle that matter is composed of atoms, and their combined mass contributes to the overall mass of the system.
  2. Quantum Mechanics and Temperature ( k * T ):
    The second term, ( k * T ), accounts for the influence of temperature (T) on the quantum states of the system. The constant ( k ) reflects the intricate relationship between temperature and the vibrational states of particles, as discussed in the theoretical framework.
  3. Rotation and Centrifugal Forces (ω² * R³) / G):
    The third term, (ω² * R³) / G), captures the impact of rotation on mass due to centrifugal forces.

(ω) represents the rotational angular velocity, indicating how fast the system is rotating. The angular velocity (ω) is squared, reflecting the relationship between velocity and centrifugal force.

( R ) is the radial distance from the axis of rotation, and ( R³ ) emphasizes the cubic relationship, accounting for the three dimensional nature of the system.

( G ) is the gravitational constant, serving as a scaling factor to integrate the rotational effects with gravitational interactions.


  • The equation combines these three terms to give a complete picture of the system's mass, taking into account how atoms add up, how quantum states change with temperature, and how rotation affects mass.
  • The terms are selected to align with the principles discussed in the theoretical framework, offering a simplified yet comprehensive perspective on the factors impacting the mass of a system.
  • Adjustments and refinement may be necessary based on empirical observations and further theoretical developments, as the equation aims to encapsulate complex phenomena in a concise form.

In this original hypothesis, I redefined mass as an end result of the complex interplay of all the forces and motions operating on matter. Think of an asteroid in space in a universe, where nothing moves at all (space is not expanding), not even at the quantum level (because then the temperature of the asteroid would be equivalent to the temperature of space due to equilibrium). In this stable circumstance, the asteroid would be massless, according to my hypothesis. This presents a new perspective on mass, challenging the traditional idea that matter has an intrinsic feature. It proposes that mass is more of a result of forces and movements within a dynamic system than an independent characteristic of matter. A paradigm change has occurred, with mass no longer seen as a permanent quality but as an outcome of the universe’s complicated forces and movements.

Hence, mass is an effect of gravity and is relative.



Rehman Ghaffar

"Aspiring scientist, sharing original research. Protecting intellectual property, I emphasize proper credit for the shared content."