Rejoice it’s the Season of the Daffodils: Four Simple Lessons

Celebrate the spring season with some sun-kissed daffodils, and don’t forget the simple lessons they bring to us.

Chandrani Anantharaman


Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash

Spring is finally here! After the long, unforgiving winter months, as the sun starts to warm up and there are signs of life everywhere, the first thing that comes to our notice is bunches of bright yellow flowers with sturdy green stems. They are the daffodils.

Daffodils are one of the first flowers that bring in the spring season. The colorful yellow flowers give us the optimism to start afresh. In many ways, daffodils bring in a wave of fresh hope and ideas to us as we begin a new cycle of growth and opportunities.

“Daffodils are yellow trumpets of spring” ― Richard L. Ratliff

Spring epitomizes a new beginning. As nature dresses up in its wild glory, the birds and animals bring life back to the planet, and suddenly there is activity everywhere.

Though daffodils are not as expensive as roses or orchids, it has a special place in every nature lovers’ hearts. Who can ignore the brightness and simplicity of a bunch of the daffodils in season?

It is pure and wholesome and reflects peace and serenity.

