Rejuvenate Mind And Body With Adult Coloring

Vinita Samuel
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2023

Why do you need to pick up those color pencils?

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

The alarm on my phone buzzed at 5.30 A.M. It was another Manic Monday. I had jumped out of bed, drank a cup of tea, and whipped out my to-do list for the day. Then, I rushed to wake up my sons, prepare breakfast, pack lunches, and get them ready for school. I barely had 10 minutes left to get myself ready and leave for the office. It was 6 P.M. by the time I reached home and then I had to help my boys with homework, whip up dinner and finally get some much-needed sleep!

Being a working mom, this routine had become the norm of my life, leaving me with no me-time whatsoever. As I was pondering this in my mind and wondering how to get out of this vicious cycle, I came across a plausible solution. I would give myself 20 minutes a day, every day, for coloring. Yes, you read it right. The simple and fun activity of adult coloring worked wonders for my mental health.

Here are five research-backed reasons why you must take up adult coloring:

  1. Rejuvenate your brain and accelerate its functions

The simplicity that coloring books offer are one of the best ways to relax and unwind after a hectic day. Coloring makes you focus on the simple activity right in front of you. The slow process of coloring relaxes your mind and keeps it free from disturbing thoughts.

2. Transports you into a meditative state

Adult coloring comes close to art therapy. Studies have shown that focusing your mind on the complex structure of a coloring page can transport your harried mind into a meditative state. As a mom, this is just what you need before you end another hectic day.

3. Increases your motor skills

Complex designs that come with smaller spaces for coloring require better motor skills and hand-eye coordination. This is one skill that you cannot achieve while scrolling through your smartphone.

4. Improve the quality of your sleep

If you practice coloring before you go to bed, you will likely sleep better than if you scrolled through social media. The blue light emitting from your laptop/phone can stop your body from producing melatonin, the much-needed sleep hormone.

5. Develops your focus

Most moms suffer from “mom-brain”, where after a hectic day, everything feels out-of-sorts. Coloring can activate the frontal lobe of your brain, helping you slowly relax from the trauma of the day and focus on the simple activity at hand.

To conclude, coloring for 20 minutes a day, improved my mood, enhanced my mindfulness, and drastically improved my mental health. The stress relief from coloring did more than just help my mind. I slowly found my sleep issues, body aches, fatigue, and depression ebbing away. There is really no reason why you shouldn’t try adult coloring. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or frazzled out, you know what to. Take out those crayons and that coloring book.




Vinita Samuel

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