Relationship Between Brand and Customer Experience

Importance of Branded Customer Experience

Oya Geron


Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Storyteller, author Jonah Sachs once said, “Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touchpoints”. And I believe, that story starts with ‘brand’ and is sustained by ‘experience’. These two disciplines, brand experience, and customer experience should not be considered as separate concepts or silos. They need to work together from the beginning/as early as possible to create and sustain a branded customer experience from the customers’ perspective. Branding without customer experience lacks an important piece -Interaction- and customer experience without brand alignment lacks -Strategy-.

For years, brands desired to create ideas and emotions to be associated in the minds of customers. Those associations are mostly created by consistent and repetitive memories which are experiences. Memory, created by those experiences, is the most important element for branding and “brand loyalty”. This is why brand and customer experience should work together to manage what people will remember.

Where is the starting point in working together? And which one of them comes first is a question I always come across. Although they are very much connected with each other, branding makes the promise first and customer experience delivers that promise.



Oya Geron

AI Change Strategist | Certified Change Management Professional